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Civil War Aftermath OOC #2

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I'd say the reason Yornar stick to Lilly is her looks, part of her feisty personality and that she promised to be what he considers faithful. She also happens to be the Spymaster and Countess of Chorrol's daughter. 

I guess I could have some extremely beautiful woman swoop in and seduce him. But I feel such a character would be shallow and pointless. She'd either be a barely noticed sidekick, only there to gratify Yornar. Or she would play a more major role and rile up his emotions. Which would just make her a second Maggie, thrown in there because the real Maggie left him. Something I would find really cheap. 

Edited by Witchking of Angmar
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Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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1 hour ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Remember Raine?

He probably sticks around because Lilly's a beast in bed. Pyscotic Cultist of Bal. And unlike Maggie she doesn't make his dick go cold XD

Maggie is unfamiliar with that ailment. XD And she is not Raine. Petty jealousy games are beneath her and bad for business. 

I assume Yolilly are using each other. The ring thing is a bit odd. What is it supposed to accomplish?  Like,  if she is banging other men,  wouldn't they already know about Yornar and there would be no reason to take it off?

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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6 minutes ago, Celan said:

I assume Yolilly are using each other. The ring thing is a bit odd. What is it supposed to accomplish?  Like,  if she is banging other men,  wouldn't they already know about Yornar and there would be no reason to take it off?

Yornar promised the ring wouldn't harm her. He however didn't promise it wouldn't harm anyone else. 

Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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12 minutes ago, Witchking of Angmar said:

I'd say the reason Yornar stick to Lilly is her looks, part of her feisty personality and that she promised to be what he considers faithful. She also happens to be the Spymaster and Countess of Chorrol's daughter. 

I guess I could have some extremely beautiful woman swoop in and seduce him. But I feel such a character would be shallow and pointless. She'd either be a barely noticed sidekick, only there to gratify Yornar. Or she would play a more major role and rile up his emotions. Which would just make her a second Maggie, thrown in there because the real Maggie left him. Something I would find really cheap. 

Man he’s the dark lord, he doesn’t need some chick to seduce him, he can do the seducing himself. I get that he’s supposed to be in a new chapter of his life but honestly I wouldn’t mind him going back to collecting side hoes in absence of the Mags. It makes sense that only one chick could make him sentimental, like he originally claimed last he spoke to her I might add ;) 

If nothing else it would keep his dignity in tact.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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1 minute ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Man he’s the dark lord, he doesn’t need some chick to seduce him, he can do the seducing himself. I get that he’s supposed to be in a new chapter of his life but honestly I wouldn’t mind him going back to collecting side hoes in absence of the Mags. It makes sense that only one chick could make him sentimental, like he originally claimed last he spoke to her I might add ;) 

If nothing else it would keep his dignity in tact.

I don’t get the sense Lilly does make him sentimental. His relationship with Lilly doesn’t feel very emotionally intimate in the way his and Maggie’s did. I think they are using each other, and Yornar is also just a jealous individual and wouldn’t want anyone else to use Lilly, even if he doesn’t care for her the same way he did with Maggie. It’s also probably safer if he only has one partner he can reasonably trust, versus a bunch of different women that could cause problems. 

I think this relationship is more interesting than if he had a parade of women fawning over him. Which would fit his domineering personality but would be a stale story. It’s more real if every time he wants some he doesn’t get some. And it grounds him in a way a harem wouldn’t 

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Keep that, not getting some when he wants is one thing but it’s been like this for a minute and it feels like he’s getting played. 

I don’t know if Lillys using him or if Yornar is using her or what, all I know is there’s no chemistry and the Dark Lord (tm) trying to force something in these scenes when there doesn’t seem to be anything real between him just does The Witch King a disservice. Just how I see it.

Too much time in Cyrodiil man, you’re an ancient Nord King. Be an ancient Nord king. You don’t wait for ass to come to you, you take the ass!

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Their post before this one, when Lilly was dissecting the body, had some push and pull but at the end they had sex. And I think the post before that one opened with him waking with Lilly in bed. So while she's not constantly handing herself to him on a platter, they are still clearly in a sexual relationship. It's just a strange one, somewhere between transactional and intimate. They care but aren't in love, and they are probably using each other in more than one way.

At least, that's my perception. Their feelings toward the relationship aren't totally clear to me

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Even when they did bang it’s not like Lilly was jumping at the chance, she pulled an autopsy in his fucking office XD did everything she could to be as unappealing for fucking as she possibly could.

I don’t know what y’all got going on but either ol girl need to shape up or Witch need to say Girl Bye.

Edited by ColonelKillaBee
Autocorrect tryna deurbanize my shit

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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The maid parade got a bit tiresome, but Yornar's turn towards monogamy and romanticism is a bit surprising. I take it that he's trying to recapture something of his past love, but forcing it rather than letting something natural happen as it was with Maggie- albeit not at the pace he wanted.

Anyway, good job guys with adapting your previous post. I appreciate your willingness to work with it. Rewriting is harder than initial writing sometimes.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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1 hour ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Even when they did bang it’s not like Lilly was jumping at the chance, she pulled an autopsy in his fucking office XD did everything she could to be as unappealing for fucking as she possibly could.

I don’t know what y’all got going on but either ol girl need to shape up or Witch need to say Girl Bye.

Lilly is just weird like that XD

Also Lilly  wants to focus on her career over getting a partner. It's a little to do with how she was raised, and her observing her mother and father's relationship (or lack thereof). It's not like she dislike Krojun or anything, it's just she thinks their both okay we're they are right now. Sex is just about pleasure to her, or having influence over someone. She doesn't want anything warm or sappy. She doesn't mind deflowering a pretty flower, or having some fun with a nobleman (Before she met Krojun anyway), but it's just that. Fun. And occasionally getting something useful.

And yeah, both are using it each other. It's a symbiosis.

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@Witchking of Angmar @Celan

Good post!


Poor Jocasta. Not that she didn’t bring it on herself, but still, you did a great job of making her experience feel terrible enough for me to feel bad for her anyway. Helps that she felt guilty over it all.

That said, it’s always fun to see Yornar in his element. He has such an imposing and sinister air about him when he’s not stuck in an office or forced to put on a front.

I am of course rooting for him, but I hope that the Alessian cult doesn’t go down too easy. They are a very interesting faction, and it’d be a shame to see them all get killed without any payoff. I’m not sure what they can achieve, really, but if nothing else I hope they have some lasting influence.

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57 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

@Witchking of Angmar @Celan

Good post!

Poor Jocasta. Not that she didn’t bring it on herself, but still, you did a great job of making her experience feel terrible enough for me to feel bad for her anyway. Helps that she felt guilty over it all.

That said, it’s always fun to see Yornar in his element. He has such an imposing and sinister air about him when he’s not stuck in an office or forced to put on a front.

I am of course rooting for him, but I hope that the Alessian cult doesn’t go down too easy. They are a very interesting faction, and it’d be a shame to see them all get killed without any payoff. I’m not sure what they can achieve, really, but if nothing else I hope they have some lasting influence.


Jocasta is definitely in a poor situation. At least she got a chance to improve her lot. 

We'll see how the Alessian cult goes. Leaders have to go. But how and if the they will remain may depend on how Jocasta does in her new job. 

Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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It was indeed a good post. The detail about her eyes was pretty fucked up. 

I do wonder how much good with propaganda spreading Jocasta will be, she’s downright broken. Even moreso now.

Oculatus probably would do a better job.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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1 hour ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

It was indeed a good post. The detail about her eyes was pretty fucked up. 

I do wonder how much good with propaganda spreading Jocasta will be, she’s downright broken. Even moreso now.

Oculatus probably would do a better job.

Jocasta has the one advantage in that she has "insider knowledge". She also has a greater motivation to not fail. Though most of all, it costs Yornar almost nothing to try. 

Edited by Witchking of Angmar
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Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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I’m fine with the leaders going. That always seemed inevitable, really. I just hope that some of what they’re doing sticks. Their small amount of page time has been packed with interesting stuff, and it has me hoping that they achieve more than all the other failed Cyrodiilic rebels and outlaws in this chapter.


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It took fifty million years but I finally finished Theudofrid's CS. Just need approval now!

Name: Theudofrid Ingolfsson.

Gender: Male.

Age: 66.

Race: Rosco-Nord.

Birthsign: The Warrior.

Faction: Druidic Theocracy, Western Roscrean Chiefdoms, Kingdom of Skyrim/Red-Snow Dynasty.

Position: Archdruid, High King Baldur's Court Mage.


(If you think about it as him casting Command Creature, it looks a lil dark. About to tear out that bird's soul.)

Equipment: An old kit of arms and armor, stored away since the end of Roscrea's semi-successful revolt against the Empire. A ceremonial golden sickle, an iron falx which was bent when High King Baldur stupidly slammed it into his feasting table. A unexpectedly unenchanted staff.

Personality: Overall pleased with the life he's had, his children may have gone their separate ways and his wife long dead, but always looks back fondly. Pretty well outwardly reflects himself a wisely old grandfather to anyone younger then himself, unfortunately has a tendency to make people uncomfortable because of that. Inwardly has a terrible aversion to Imperials, doesn't matter if they're Shor worshiping Colovians, he doesn't like them. Knows he should hate the Elves, yet has had too little contact with them and feels mostly neutral about the bastards, doesn't particularly like them though.

Pantheon: Rosco-Atmoran Pantheon, Patron of Jhunal.

Background/History: Theudofrid like his father Ingolf before him were descendants of the Nordic legionary settlers, though less directly by blood than many of the Rosco-Nordic clans. His folk lived in the inhospitable Hearthland, mining the iron as all the human inhabitants there do. Theudofrid was born at the ass end of the Empire's 'Golden Rule' over Roscrea, by Druidic standards still a horrible dark age, but the governor from Solitude was the best they had under their rule, having thirty winters of respectable rule.

When the Nord, Imperialized as he had ascended into Sovngarde his replacement was someone only there as a punishment. He was decent enough at first, though within the Hearthland the governor was hated by many, Ingolf and a child Theudofrid included. Laws were set in place to continue his predecessor's work to reconcile the native faiths and the Nine, unlike the former he was much more heavy handed. The big question, Talos or Ysmir. Not one man recognized Talos in the Hearthland, if one publicly did the Atmoriants murdered them. Such as it was that the Talos Cult was established there, it didn't cause the revolt which took place almost two decades later, what it did however was increase the outlawed Druids in disrupting their activity.

When looking back Theudofrid somewhat romanticizes his entrance into their order, but the truth of it was one of their theocracy found he had a decent pool of magicka. Centuries into Imperial rule of Roscrea and despite being outlawed any native parent with an ounce of decency would be overjoyed at the chance for their child to live a better life, Ingolf couldn't be happier sparing his son any more of their shared harsh life in the iron rich mountains.

In the hidden Isle of Long Stones Theudofrid spent twenty three years of his life under the Druids, he learned to read and write before anything else. Quickly meeting Archdruid Galchobhar fab Myrthway who would become a lifelong friend, who took notice at the ease Theudofrid approached the clever craft, specifically the school of mysticism. It wasn't that he learnt it quickly, indeed learning the advanced Hermetic Magics was something he struggled with. Though everyone always struggled with that at first, what impressed Galchobhar was the rarity of a miscast and the natural ease Theudofrid cast spells.

Theudofrid was largely isolated on the isle and completely shocked to learn his countrymen had risen up in open revolt against Cyrodiil and by extension Solitude, as a young man brushing his mid twenties Theudofrid refused inaction. Despite being further from a warrior he took up arms joining with the revolting Hearthlanders, the mountains being rich in iron allowed even it's miners to have decent enough kit. In traditional Roscrean practices of warfare were the elite being nobles and champions fighting with retainers, thus Theudofrid despite being a peasant earned a place among a noble's retainers.

Theudofrid fought similar to the Drwdae Cingetoi of old for Teutorigos Borr, a chieftain's son who was very active in the revolt. Theudofrid hadn't fought all his life, it was terrifying through and through, yet the Empire couldn't spare battlemages for such a backwater and so many times did his magics prove invaluable. It was by experience did Theudofrid gain greater confidence, once confident he was much more eager to swing an axe alongside wiggling his fingers. The revolt had interrupted his final years of scholarly training, though at times did Galchobhar pop in to teach Theudofrid. The current generation of Archdruids were old and worn out, a bit of favoritism and justly earned reward saw Theudofrid admitted as an Archdruid by Galchobhar; who wanted younger Druids in the position. 

Ultimately the Roscreans hadn't yet enough manpower to completely overthrow the Empire's rule and on the flipside the Empire couldn't keep sparing resources for another Roscrean War, it broke Teutorigos' heart seeing a compromise still binding the island to the Empire even if only nominally. Theudofrid was elated to see the revolt's end, Teutorigos became the Chieftain of all the Hearthland and the now Archdruid could set aside the axe and maille. All it cost Roscrea was paying a tribute to the south, no longer did their awful laws bind them. The Archdruids now had a monumental task of ending the dark age set upon by the Empire.

The decades that followed were spent undoing the conversion work, both culturally and religiously. Considering an unwavering demand for at the absolute least twenty years of one's life dedicated to learning before ever even considered a Druid, the entire Theocracy was spent rebuilding their monuments, sacred sites and teaching the next generation. When the Great War came around in Tamriel, Theudofrid found the empire's suffering just, Galchobhar had even transcribed it's possible prediction in the Tablet Steps. Refusing to alert the Empire as punishment for their conquest, Theudofrid was well in agreement although he can't ever tell the Nords that.

In modern times Roscrea has entered what Galchobhar considers an age of Silver, the damages have been mended and the Druidic Theocracy has returned to a degree of it's former splendor. Greater still had the civil war in Skyrim disrupted contact between the island and Tamriel, urged by it's Druids the natives took the opportunity to cease tribute to Solitude. Galchobhar and Theudofrid payed close attention to the Old Kingdom awaiting the victor, all parties were ecstatic at the rebel victory. With the Empire at it's weakest the Archdruids decided an alliance with now independent Skyrim would help safeguard them against future conquests. Bearing in mind the Nords didn't think it better to control Roscrea in place of being allied to it.

The Archdruids called an assembly with the leading men of Roscrea, the two most powerful men in Western Roscrea Teutorigos Borr and Cassivelogenos the Terrible, and the King of Kings in Eastern Roscrea, Berahthram Silver-Shield. The subject was that of commerce and pacts of alliance, an agreement was reached that the Druids and only the Druids would have full trading rights with Skyrim and would represent all of Roscrea. While High Rock would also be approached with trading rights, the Druids wouldn't control it's commerce. Morrowind, well Morrowind was close by but nobody wanted to trade with filthy ash covered Dunmer.

The Archdruids sought as well to play a hand in Skyrim's faith, since Skyrim had now a will of it's own maybe the Nords would be open to reliving their glorious religious past. In this effort, both for commercial and alliance making Theudofrid elected himself to be the island's emissary. Galchobhar was needed in Roscrea, not to mention it could be disastrous if someone skilled in illusion looked a little too close. 

Sailing across the Sea of Ghosts with a dozen Druids accompanying him, Theudofrid made landfall upriver from the ancient city of Windhelm. The timing was an interesting one as the city had been recently attacked by Elves in their Sun Bird, worse still was the rebellion's leader, the Jarl of Windhelm killed by the elves. Now he still had an audience with a self proclaimed incarnation of Wulfharth, a complete fraud, but de facto ruler of Windhelm and apparently high ranking member of the late Jarl's Hird. Theudofrid was uncertain about this, he had the authority of all Roscrea but this man, Baldur, was only the new Jarl of Windhelm. He had to start somewhere, if a Jarl would hear his words and make agreement it was far better than nothing.

His offerings went well enough, the Jarl heard and accepted the prospect of commerce. While accepting the prospect of alliance only after Theudofrid offered support in the war, he was still uncertain if it was an alliance with Windhelm or all of Skyrim. Certainly found more uncertainty when the Jarl compared their two weapons, slamming the Archdruid's into his table and blunting it, who even does that? When approached with permission to have the Druids spread their shared ancient faith in Skyrim, Baldur accepted in a few conditions. They proclaim the fraud as Wulfharth, preach of Talos instead of Ysmir and for Theudofrid to become his court mage and enchant the Jarl's personal army's equipment. He had to duel the current court mage for that privilege, wasn't at all enjoyable getting blasted with imitated Elven magic.

In the end it was the best case scenario for the Archdruids, as Baldur threw himself as a contender for High King. Despite an adventure with his apparent son and risking the ire of another contender, Baldur proved the more popular of the two and was voted as High King. Some duel took place as well, but that's all he knows about it. Now on the eve of war Theudofrid is firmly in the position of court mage with Skyrim's High King. He'll have to risk his own life in the coming war to attain this favor, but for Jhunal, for Roscrea and Galchobhar it will be done.

Motives: As with all the Archdruids, to oversee Jhunall's predictions and wishes etched in the Tablet Steps. Ensuring Skyrim and Roscrea stays on close and friendly terms, if it isn't to last also entrenching a network of Druids in Skyrim's wilderness...

Skills: Has far too deep a voice for a man who doesn't drink mead. Greatly proficient in the fields of mysticism, enchanting, illusion and restoration. Was once, long ago a tremendous warrior, however age and neglecting martial prowess has all but squandered it.

Weakness: Doesn't drink mead.

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