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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog Went home a few minutes for lunch and beat Ramon Salazar. Took me a few tries but that was a fun boss fight. I love how he starts out as this haughty taunty prick at the beginning gets progressively more offended and petulant as you damage him. :lol: And by the end he’s just begging for help, like a messed up child in an… well, I was gonna type "adult’s body" but that’s a little short of the mark. XD 

Here's a really cool secret; you can skip his first phase (and most of his second)...by throwing a fucking golden egg at him; according to lore you can find, it's because he's allergenic to them  XD

And now your finally at the island! 

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34 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Here's a really cool secret; you can skip his first phase (and most of his second)...by throwing a fucking golden egg at him; according to lore you can find, it's because he's allergenic to them  XD

And now you’re finally at the island! 

I’ll have to remember that for the future. Didn’t have any golden eggs.

Finally at the island, and what I recall being one of the scariest parts of the original game. XD 


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7 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

@TheCzarsHussar When are you gonna join the REmake train?

You can’t escape this. Might as well answer me here before I pin you down on the next Discord call.

@BigBossBalrog I’ve heard complaints that the island isn’t as fun as earlier parts of the game. I have no idea why, unless people are just bitching about it because it’s harder. I love all the new enemies and obstacles that force you to think and act quickly. You learn to shotgun shields in the Castle but "Oh no! The shields are metal now!", you learn to aim for headshots as much as possible but "oh no! They’re armored!" Turrets keep you from running wildly. Game just keeps throwing new things at you and never gets stagnant.

Excited to rematch Krauser and nervously dreading the inevitable Regeneradors.

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8 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

You can’t escape this. Might as well answer me here before I pin you down on the next Discord call.

@BigBossBalrog I’ve heard complaints that the island isn’t as fun as earlier parts of the game. I have no idea why, unless people are just bitching about it because it’s harder. I love all the new enemies and obstacles that force you to think and act quickly. You learn to shotgun shields in the Castle but "Oh no! The shields are metal now!", you learn to aim for headshots as much as possible but "oh no! They’re armored!" Turrets keep you from running wildly. Game just keeps throwing new things at you and never gets stagnant.

Excited to rematch Krauser and nervously dreading the inevitable Regeneradors.

I really like the theme of parasite zombie merceries; everything about their models look great XD And the increased technology (like the Chaingunners :rofl:) Atmosphere wise, it reminds me alot of Camp Omega, which I also appreciate



The Island in the original was a little bit...bland, but I think the additions in the Remake make it alot more flavorful. When it comes to people complaining, I 100 percent think it's because there's a really steep difficulty curve. 

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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

When it comes to people complaining, I 100 percent think it's because there's a really steep difficulty curve. 

Which is a big part of why I like it. XD Honestly, I feel like anyone who managed to beat the water room, twin garradors, or Salazar should be more than capable of getting through what I’ve played so far.


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  • 2 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog You want to know the power of bad voice acting?

Steve in Code Veronica is one of the most annoying characters I’ve ever met.

Steve in the novelization is one of my favorite characters in the series. XD I enjoyed his chapters more than Chris or Wesker’s.

Did you get to the part where he starts screaming his dad's name and shoots a billion bullets XD It's pathetic. Rodrigo should have been Claire's partner.

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12 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Did you get to the part where he starts screaming his dad's name and shoots a billion bullets XD It's pathetic. Rodrigo should have been Claire's partner.

That’s what I’m talking about. That scene is way better in the book, without Steve’s lame voice and bad dialogue. One of my favorite passages, actually.


“Claire?” Steve called, crawling to his feet and turning, looking for her and the zombie. There she was amid the barrels, still down, rubbing one ankle. Her handgun was about ten feet away. Steve saw her eyes go wide and followed her gaze, a lone zombie teetering toward her—

—and all he could do was stare at it, his body suddenly a million miles away. Claire said something but he couldn’t hear her, too intent on the virus carrier. It had been a big man, leaning toward fat, but someone had blasted off part of his gut. The open, sticky, belly wounds were seeping, the dark shirt made even darker by the almost uniform layer of blood that had soaked the cloth. It was gray-faced and hollow-eyed, like all of them, and had either bitten through its tongue or had been eating—his, its mouth was smeared with blood.

Claire said something else, but Steve was remembering something, a sudden, vivid flash of memory so real that it was almost like reliving the experience. He’d been four or five years old when his parents had taken him to his first parade, a Thanksgiving parade. He was sitting on his father’s shoulder, watching the clowns go by, surrounded by loud, shouting people, and he’d started to cry. He couldn’t remember why; what he remembered was his father looking up at him, his eyes concerned and full of love. When he’d asked what was wrong, his voice was so familiar and well loved that Steve had wrapped his tiny arms around his father’s neck and hidden his face, still crying but knowing he was safe, that no harm could come to him so long as his father held him—

“Steve!” Claire, practically screaming his name—and he saw that the zombie was almost on top of her, its gray fingers closing around her vest, pulling her up to its drooling, bloody mouth.

Steve screamed, too, opening fire, the thunder of bullets ripping into his father’s face and body, tearing him away from Claire. He kept firing, kept screaming until his father lay still and the thunder had stopped, only dry clicks coming from the gun, and then Claire was touching his shoulder, turning him away as he called out for his father, weeping.”

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10 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

That’s what I’m talking about. That scene is way better in the book, without Steve’s lame voice and bad dialogue. One of my favorite passages, actually.

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“Claire?” Steve called, crawling to his feet and turning, looking for her and the zombie. There she was amid the barrels, still down, rubbing one ankle. Her handgun was about ten feet away. Steve saw her eyes go wide and followed her gaze, a lone zombie teetering toward her—

—and all he could do was stare at it, his body suddenly a million miles away. Claire said something but he couldn’t hear her, too intent on the virus carrier. It had been a big man, leaning toward fat, but someone had blasted off part of his gut. The open, sticky, belly wounds were seeping, the dark shirt made even darker by the almost uniform layer of blood that had soaked the cloth. It was gray-faced and hollow-eyed, like all of them, and had either bitten through its tongue or had been eating—his, its mouth was smeared with blood.

Claire said something else, but Steve was remembering something, a sudden, vivid flash of memory so real that it was almost like reliving the experience. He’d been four or five years old when his parents had taken him to his first parade, a Thanksgiving parade. He was sitting on his father’s shoulder, watching the clowns go by, surrounded by loud, shouting people, and he’d started to cry. He couldn’t remember why; what he remembered was his father looking up at him, his eyes concerned and full of love. When he’d asked what was wrong, his voice was so familiar and well loved that Steve had wrapped his tiny arms around his father’s neck and hidden his face, still crying but knowing he was safe, that no harm could come to him so long as his father held him—

“Steve!” Claire, practically screaming his name—and he saw that the zombie was almost on top of her, its gray fingers closing around her vest, pulling her up to its drooling, bloody mouth.

Steve screamed, too, opening fire, the thunder of bullets ripping into his father’s face and body, tearing him away from Claire. He kept firing, kept screaming until his father lay still and the thunder had stopped, only dry clicks coming from the gun, and then Claire was touching his shoulder, turning him away as he called out for his father, weeping.”

The scene is certainly framed better with the context and changes but I'm still reading it in his game voice XD

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

The scene is certainly framed better with the context and changes but I'm still reading it in his game voice XD

Just do what I did and use the voice of teenage Leonardo DiCaprio from Titanic. That was the actor they originally envisioned for him. XD Or the alternate voice from that arcade shooter version of the game. 


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2 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog You’ve played more RE games than I have. Do you think there is any villain who is stronger than the Nemesis? I feel like it tanking everything Jill throws at it before the nuke probably seals it as the toughest B.O.W. in the series. Least that I’ve seen.

The Black God from Resident Evil 7 and 8. 


Also known as the "Mold"; the Black God is an ancient "super-conscious" that has been active since the days of the Frankish Empire; drifting in and out of a deep "sleep". When "awakened", it will rapidly begin consuming DNA and all kinds of biological matter; to the extent it can consume and store people's consciousness's in a vast, microscopic hive-mind. Once a "fugal root" is layed out, it would rapidly begin to infect the local wildlife, and bring all kind of horrible proxies to bear in defense of itself; in the form of the "Molded", who will go on a search and destroy path all across the region (looking for more bodies to infect and consume); spreading it's mold in there wake.  They've used nukes on it, and it always keeps popping up again.  


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13 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Wait so how did we kill it in Village then? Or is the implication that we didn’t?

Chris nuked it XD But its hivemind wakes up again during Shadows of Rose. I think it's theroised that it's true "root" is buried super deep within the earth, so it'll keep coming back till they find it.

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Oh and there's HAOS from 6 (Which I don't want to talk about, but whatever XD)


It was designed in an underwater lab and is pretty much GODZILLA sized; and it's role is to literally end the world. Chris and Piers have to run from it, rather then fight it head on. They barely destroy a weakened version by - once again - nuking it.

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