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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #41

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Wonder if this series is supposed to be canon to the games.

The article says it is.

It looks to me like the BoS are going to be stand ins for "authoritarian conservatives ruining our fun."



 the Brotherhood, which Nolan describes as being fueled by “a mutated version of patriotism, religion, loyalty, and fraternity.”

Their control comes from the battalions of super-soldier knights in shining power armor, who stalk the landscape enforcing the Brotherhood’s notion of order. 



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6 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Funny how nobody in New Vegas seems to recall that time the Brotherhood of Steel were flying around California "enforcing order" from an airship the size of a football field. ¬¬

The timeline has this taking place about 15 years after FNV.

Maybe these are East Coast Brotherhood invading the NCR?

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5 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Fuck I hope not. There are so many things wrong with either that or the WC BoS doing it themselves. 

A ship with a similar name to the Prydwen, BoS stalking the land imposing order...

It sounds like it to me.

Anyway, it's like a law of the universe that this is going to suck balls. Might as well accept it.

BTW, I see that AMC is developing an Alan Wake series.

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How do a few hundred men impose order in an area that’s already occupied by an already-orderly nation with a population in the millions whose army soundly defeated their more numerous, better trained, and equally-equipped Californian brothers? :realmad:

Why even would they? When did the Brotherhood of Steel become Caesar’s Legion? Where do they keep getting these infinitely respawning one-of-a-kind airships that are no longer hindered by those Midwestern storms that are specifically noted for destroying airships that attempt this exact journey??? 

Sorry, I’m done. Maybe. :cross:

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26 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

*Emil got so mad at people preferring Obsidian's version of Fallout, he's making it so the BoS destorys the NCR" 

I hate that you’re probably right…

The BoS having any power in L.A. is insane. That’s like the Mythic Dawn arresting people in the streets of the Imperial City. It could only be happening if some impossibly stupid shenanigans occurred to put them in that position.


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5 minutes ago, Celan said:

This is a cute BG3 animation.

I haven’t played BG3 yet, but I feel like I can see the gameplay mechanics that inspired all of this so clearly. XD 

That same channel did a funny bit on Paramount’s crappy Halo show as well.

That ending really gets me in my feelings. :crying:

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Some of the new customization reinforces the idea; the more I think about it, the more I love it. Reminds me of how the Varangian guard became Byzantinzed by their tours in Constantinople


"The Prophets suppressed many Sangheili martial practices they deemed distasteful, including Shrwssha'wash: a tradition of displaying the skulls of particularly recalcitrant foes after their defeat and ritual dismemberment." 

Imagine how disturbing it be to see one of these Spartans as a Marine XD

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14 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Alot of big media are giving Alan Wake 2 GOTY. Thankfully Baldur's Gate 3 is still in the lead, but it's getting closer. I guess it was too much to hope for another Elden Sweep for a game that deserves but it looks like Doc was unfortunately right. 

Minimal, uninventive, piss-easy gameplay wrapped in a pretentious faux-sUbVeRsIvE storyline that is designed to make the player feel "smart" for "getting it" despite having all the complexity of a Deadpool movie.

How could it not be a top contender for GotY? XD 

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17 hours ago, Celan said:

Anyway, it's like a law of the universe that this is going to suck balls. Might as well accept it.

This reminded me of something I thought of bringing up yesterday. One of the only halfway nice things I’ll say about Neil Druckmann is that his Last of Us TV show was actually pretty decent. Not as good as the game, but a solid show by normal adaptation standards.

With that in mind, and knowing how absolutely crap TLoU2 is, and how severe the backlash was, I wonder if there is even a snowball’s chance in Hell that they will opt for doing things differently in season 2, if only to keep one of their most successful shows ever from taking the same reputation loss that the game did.

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Hold up, hold up. The mastermind of Unity Engine's "we're going to scan all your machines and make developers pay per download" was John Riccitello?! That's the asshole who told EA investors that you could charge gamers $5 for an ammo magazine and they would just pay it to keep the game going. It's a good thing he's been forced to "retire" because this guy shouldn't be anywhere near a gaming company ever again. Or any company that has customers. And now a bunch of Weta engineers lost their jobs because of him.


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