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Civil War Aftermath OOC #1

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Also, the Imperials definitely would've gotten beat if they hadn't allied with the Nords. No food to forage, their supply lines cut off by the avalanche (though fire magic could've helped clear that faster than normal), and the fact they were attacking a fortified city with not a great numerical advantage. The mages and catapults would've helped, and Falkreath would probably have taken way more damage from fire and bombardment, but it's hard to see the Legion winning.

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I wonder how Witch would have pulled strings back then after helping Dales kill Papa Motierre. He'd have presumably done what he could to keep further war from happening between Skyrim and Cyrodiil, and his connection to Baldur might've helped with this. But it would've been a lot harder on the Imperial end.


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1 minute ago, BTCollins said:

Also, the Imperials definitely would've gotten beat if they hadn't allied with the Nords. No food to forage, their supply lines cut off by the avalanche (though fire magic could've helped clear that faster than normal), and the fact they were attacking a fortified city with not a great numerical advantage. The mages and catapults would've helped, and Falkreath would probably have taken way more damage from fire and bombardment, but it's hard to see the Legion winning.

Yeah, they needed the Thalmor for that to work. I like to imagine that the avalanche did a number to bring things in the Nords' favor, because the Imps would've known better than to launch such a doomed campaign unless they were either very desperate or they believed that there would've been more advantages than they ended up having. 


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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

Yeah, they needed the Thalmor for that to work. I like to imagine that the avalanche did a number to bring things in the Nords' favor, because the Imps would've known better than to launch such a doomed campaign unless they were either very desperate or they believed that there would've been more advantages than they ended up having. 

Constant supply from Bruma through Pale Pass would've meant they could've besieged Falkreath for a while, not to mention reinforcements coming through eventually. And a line of retreat if things went sideways. Though I wouldn't discount Amaund being crazy and sending an expedition of Faramirs against the Nords. 

Now that I think about it, how did y'all decide what chapter 2 was going to be about? 

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46 minutes ago, BTCollins said:

He was hitting the milk, but when talking about Marius and Tullius specifically, I think he had some reasonably grievances. 


Ha! Yeah, I think his paranoia was well founded in that situation. I mean, he didn't really know Baldur well enough to know what would happen if he turned the Legion on the Thalmor without Nordic cooperation. Plus, weakening yourself like that just outside the gates of Falkreath is just asking to get killed. Even Baldur might not have been able to resist the Legion weakened like that. 

Lucky for them Baldur’s a big picture kinda guy.

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6 minutes ago, BTCollins said:

Now that I think about it, how did y'all decide what chapter 2 was going to be about? 

Chapter 1 was about trying to destabilize Falkreath because it's near the border. To my memory, chapter 2 was always going to be about the Imperials and Thalmor marching north, with the point of Lorgar's mission in Ch1 essentially being to soften the Stormcloaks up and make the invasion easier.

The RP was Balrog's idea originally, I think. And was based on the idea of Motierre being a through-and-through Thalmor supporter instead of a reluctant puppet like Mede, which led to them actually pressing onto Skyrim since they basically had Cyrodiil in the palm of their hand.

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2 minutes ago, Celan said:

Seems weird you weren't with us from the beginning, BT.

It really does. Rereading the old chapters is weird. Warp and Yes Man were normal members and felt totally natural there when reading it. Then chapter 2 rolls around and Warp is gone and we’ve got BT, Unrivaled, and Charles making more posts than I did! :lol: 

Each chapter kinda has its own cast of RPers. 


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1 minute ago, Celan said:

Seems weird you weren't with us from the beginning, BT.

I very nearly joined, along with Tdroid, in chapter 1. My first CS was basically just my main Skyrim character, complete with nonsensical things that implies like some really good weapon that I don't remember. I changed and edited it heavily into a civilian blacksmith, but from what I could tell there wasn't going to be many civilian characters, so I dropped out and joined another roleplay. That one was basically the Windhelm attack in this roleplay if the Thalmor took the city, and the characters were refugees. I was writing a grizzled old sea captain who I really liked. 

Then that roleplay died about halfway through chapter 1 and I started reading and following even though I wasn't participating, and planned out Gracchus way ahead of time in anticipation of chapter 2. In the meantime I joined another roleplay about a group of adventurers in Cyrodiil featuring a fat, bald-headed, heavy drinking and boisterous Breton named Theodore Adrard. That one died early on, so that Theodore didn't feature much, but I kept the idea. Then chapter 2 finally rolled around and I dove right in, as Doc said. 

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I actually found the first Theodore's CS


Name: Theodore Adrard
Gender: Male
Race: Breton
Age: 67
Height: 5 ft. 8 in

Appearance: Theodore has short, close-cropped brown hair, with a thick chocolate colored mustache. His laugh lines are extremely visible because of his loved of laughter. He is a small man, but makes up for it by being thick set, almost to the point of being fat. His belly and expertise at holding alcohol, along with his constant carrying of his flask, make sure that he is always lively and maybe a little drunk. He has sharp green eyes, almost the color of emeralds. His age is apparent, but being a Breton he is able to keep going as his elf blood allows for an extended life.

Personality: Lively, loves a good time. If you are able to tell jokes and get him to laugh (which isn’t hard considering he is constantly drinking) then you will become fast friends. He hates being called out on his height, but loves when people compliment his mustache. Likes a good fight, but prefers his magic to being up close and personal.

Skills: Skilled in restoration, and prefers to banish any undead and heal his comrades than fight himself. If it comes to close quarter combat, he will cast an ebony flesh spell for protection

Armor/Clothes: He wears and amulet of Julianos, along with a pair of green hooded robes and simple boots. He also carries a small satchel on his left, and his flask on his right.

Weapons: He carries a simple steel mace, which he is reluctant to use since his Vigilant days, but carries nonetheless.

Misc Items: Flask usually full of Colovian Brandy or Spiced Wine, both of which he loves.

History: Born and raised in High Rock, his family was made rich off his fathers shipping company. His mother was a lay about, and a heavy drinker. As a child he learned the art of restoration at the local Temple of Julianons, from a priest he befriended. His father was always away on business, and his mother was constantly drunk to compensate for her husbands absence. She beat Theodore, and drove him to love to laugh and have a good time to hide his fear of his mother.

At the age of 17, after he had grown to old to beat, he stole some of his fathers silver, bought passage on a boat, and sailed for the College of Winterhold, hoping to perfect his magical ability. He studied there for 20 years, learning the arts of restoration and alteration.

After taking his studies as far as he wanted, he left the college to join the Vigilant of Stendarr, to put his skills to use. He banished daedra, fought vampires, and slew worshippers for 13 years, eventually becoming bored with the practice.

He then returned home to Daggerfall, his hometown. There he learned that his mother and father had both died from Brain Fever, and left him all of their money, having no where else to put it. He withdrew all of it, and fled south first to Hammerfell, then to Cyrodiil. He arrived in the Imperial City just after he turned 52, and bought a small store specializing in magical apparel and weapons. It was in this time he took to drinking, having some money to blow and nothing to spend it on.

Hearing of the call for adventurers, he knew that any group would need a healer, so he sold his store, and prepared for his last exciting adventure.


Edit: and the CS for Bedrir Wave-Rider, the captain I mentioned


Name: Bedrir Wave-Rider
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Birthdate: 8th of Last Seed, 4E 146
Race: Nord
Class: Sailor

Appearance: A short, stocky man, with long grey hair with two braids hanging down to his shoulders, and dark blue eyes, like pools of water. Scar across his left eye, which is blind. Deep wrinkles cover his face, the ocean's wear and tear ever evident. His face is one you would expect from a loving grandfather, but hides the pain he still feels from the scar, or maybe the pain from losing all he ever loved that night on the sea.

Equipment (Weapons, armor, etc) : Wields a wooden walking staff, and a short iron sword he's always carried. He wears a simple set of sailors clothes, consisting of dark blue pants, a dark green shirt, and his lucky Horker-Tooth necklace, with a scabbard tied around the waist and a large fur cloak draped over his shoulders.

Personality: Kind, but tough from life on the sea. While he is used to being in charge, he knows his old age and disabilities prohibit him from doing so, which he accepted long ago. He prefers solitude, and is generally a loner.

Background/History: Born and raised in Dawnstar, his mother was a simple barmaid and his father the captain of the "Wave-Rider," a ship bought for and named after his father's father. It was a quick, swift ship, mostly used to carry cargo into places that one would rather not be caught in for too long. At the age of 10, he joined his father as a deckmate, and slowly learned the sailing business. He took over from his father at the age of 21, and soon after moved his home port to Windhelm. He's been sailing ever since, his only mishap on a trip to Hammerfell, his last great run. Caught up between a group of pirates tailing them and a storm straight ahead, he sailed into the storm. Ropes lashing around, one struck him in the face, blinding his left eye. All of his crew survived, but the pirates weren't so lucky. On the return trip, the saw the body littered wreckage still floating about the ocean. He would return to Windhelm, sell his ship as he had no wife or kids, and settle down, enjoying quiet evenings at Candlehearth Hall.

Motives: Survival is all that drives him, as he has no family, a few friends that weren't sailing at the time of the attack. He hopes to make it to Dawnstar or find a boat to sail out of Winterhold with.

Skills: One-Handed, Expert Sailor. Little fighting experience, as his ship usually outran pirates instead of facing them.

Edited by BTCollins
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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Theodore was a cleric! That’s hilarious.

Oh how far he's fallen lol XD 

I've been meaning to introduce a cleric ever since then, in memory of the first Theo. Just haven't gotten to it yet

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12 minutes ago, BTCollins said:

Oh how far he's fallen lol XD 

I've been meaning to introduce a cleric ever since then, in memory of the first Theo. Just haven't gotten to it yet

What’s funny is that he seems to have been a lot like what prewar Theo pretended to be. Minus the noble-cleric stuff, he’s basically the lovable drunk that Theo acted like to make people underestimate him.


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11 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

What’s funny is that he seems to have been a lot like what prewar Theo pretended to be. Minus the noble-cleric stuff, he’s basically the lovable drunk that Theo acted like to make people underestimate him.

Yeah, it's very clear that I poached those elements for new Theo. If it's good enough for one Theo, it's good enough for another!

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10 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Been rereading a lot of chapter 2 lately as I’m bringing it over. I miss Witch saying “Alduin’s fire” a lot. :lol: 

I wanted him to have some swear words that somehow fit him as I figured Shor's Balls and the regular Fuck wouldn't fit his character. 

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7 hours ago, BTCollins said:

Was the plan for Chapter 2 always to have the Nords and Imperials end up in an alliance? Because it was definitely an unlikely partnership, facilitated by some luck that Gracchus is who he is and Baldur is who he is, and that Dales and Skjari had the plan to kill Amaud. It could've gone a lot differently.

While a lot of character certainly did a lot to help with how things went, I like to think it was Yornar who set it all in motion. 

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2 hours ago, Witchking of Angmar said:

While a lot of character certainly did a lot to help with how things went, I like to think it was Yornar who set it all in motion. 

He certainly played a big part. I’d say it was a combination of Yornar and Baldur. Baldur is the one who put it in Gracchus’ head in the first place, and who ultimately came up with the plan. But Yornar turned Dales and nudged things from behind the scenes. 

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Alright. I moved them. Also in case anyone wonders, I'm rearranging the order of the backstory posts to be more chronological. Also decided to skip a couple of posts as they don't fit in with the rest, nor really add anything to the overall story or Yornar as a character. 

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Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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