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  • The Good Doctor changed the title to Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #38
26 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

DnD night XD We should have a planned day. What's good for you? 

I don’t have a consistent enough schedule to make a planned day. I prefer just hopping on sporadically when anyone else has got the time. XD 



So obviously I’ve been playing Skyrim again (on the switch btw) and you wanna know what I think the saddest part of the game is? The fact the the civil war is about the Nords right to worship and imperial god. Like Bethesda imperialized the Nords to such an extent in Skyrim that it’s not even about the Nords not wanting to be imperialized or have their culture dominated, it’s about worshipping an imperial god… BRING BACK MORROWIND ERA NORD CULTURE



Time for another episode of Skyrim lore rewrites, this time starting with the Great War. The Great War proceeds as normal (TES Legends doesn’t exist) and the white gold concordat is signed. Large portions of southern hammerfell are given to the aldmeri dominion and hammerfell rebels just like it happened. Where does the change occur? Right here. Talos worship is still banned, really only a problem for the imperials since the imperials have a habit of worshipping for emperors as gods anyway e.t. Reman Cyrodiil. But going further, all local depictions of Lorkhan are forbidden (Shezzar, Shor, etc) this is where the Nords get their problems. 

on the next point the markarth incident proceeds as normal just substitute talos for Shor

in the background the imperial divines have slowly been encroaching on the Nordic pantheon starting in solitude. So you still have the temple of the divines in solitude, but in markarth the old shrine to Shor has been replaced by a shrine to Akatosh, whiterun you have a conflict in the temple of KYNE between the traditionalist priest and the priests of Kynareth and all the old holds are still dedicated to Stuhn, Jhunal, Shor, etc.

Change the moot to having the Jarls pick their own candidate (Ulfric) and the emperor steps in and named Torygg High King to assert imperial dominance. Ulfric still challenges torygg in the old way and the Empire still declares it illegal and murder, directly stomping on Nordic culture and tradition, thus begins the civil war over Nordic way of life.

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Also for a total Skyrim rewrite I’d take out the entirety of the dragon crisis and make the main story entirely revolve around the civil war and the Thalmor puppet mastering in the shadows. This would obviously come with a complete overhaul of the civil war questline and one of the key points of it would be returning the way of the tongues to Skyrim. 


6 minutes ago, Centurion said:

So obviously I’ve been playing Skyrim again (on the switch btw) and you wanna know what I think the saddest part of the game is? The fact the the civil war is about the Nords right to worship and imperial god. 

Much as I’d also like to have seen the Nordic pantheon be more relevant to the world and conflict, this isn’t something that bothers me. Talos was a Nordic hero first and foremost.

The entire mythos of Talos is that of a Nordic "chosen one", prophesied by the Greybeards, uniting humanity from a throne that he conquered. His earliest histories involve leading Nordic berserkers on campaigns against the Reachfolk under the name "Hjalti Early-Beard", and it was the Nords who first dubbed him "Talos" before he even marched to Cyrodiil and was given the name "Tiber".

He’s more a god of humanity who the Empire gave a place in their Eight, but if any culture has a single greatest claim to Talos, it’s honestly the Nords. 



And yet they couldn’t care less during Morrowind. I’d be more willing to compromise on it if they just adopted hero worship of talos while also holding to the Nordic pantheon instead of becoming winter imperials


51 minutes ago, Centurion said:

And yet they couldn’t care less during Morrowind. I’d be more willing to compromise on it if they just adopted hero worship of talos while also holding to the Nordic pantheon instead of becoming winter imperials

That’s because Talos is not a major topic in Morrowind. We meet very few Nords who actually give their takes on him or their faith. Most of them are reavers, berserkers, mercenaries, or fryse hags and just attack on sight, while the leaders of the Nord Mission in Ebonheart do worship Talos. 

I completely agree on the Nordic pantheon vs the Imperial. The former 100% should’ve been the dominant religion of the land and there should’ve been way more antagonism towards the Imperial Cult (particularly their Akatosh worship and the use of names like "Kynareth" or "Stendarr"). I just don’t see the veneration of Talos as an issue. Just because the Imperials adopted him into their Nine doesn’t mean that the Nords wouldn’t have done the same. His coming was foretold in Nordic legend long before the Empire even knew who he was. Like a Viking messianic figure.

I enjoy the idea of Talos being treated as a god who is now filling the role of Shor in the mythic. Shor is dead and rules the Underworld, while Talos has stepped up and assumed his old mantle as the chieftain of the gods and champion of humanity. Which justifies their outrage over the banning of his worship.

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3 hours ago, Centurion said:

Time for another episode of Skyrim lore rewrites, this time starting with the Great War. The Great War proceeds as normal (TES Legends doesn’t exist) and the white gold concordat is signed. Large portions of southern hammerfell are given to the aldmeri dominion and hammerfell rebels just like it happened. Where does the change occur? Right here. Talos worship is still banned, really only a problem for the imperials since the imperials have a habit of worshipping for emperors as gods anyway e.t. Reman Cyrodiil. But going further, all local depictions of Lorkhan are forbidden (Shezzar, Shor, etc) this is where the Nords get their problems. 

on the next point the markarth incident proceeds as normal just substitute talos for Shor

in the background the imperial divines have slowly been encroaching on the Nordic pantheon starting in solitude. So you still have the temple of the divines in solitude, but in markarth the old shrine to Shor has been replaced by a shrine to Akatosh, whiterun you have a conflict in the temple of KYNE between the traditionalist priest and the priests of Kynareth and all the old holds are still dedicated to Stuhn, Jhunal, Shor, etc.

All that said, I just got time to read this and I do vastly prefer it over what we got. The religious schism in Skyrim was very surface level, with the Imperial "Eight" being everywhere while hardly getting addressed while the Nordic pantheon were badly neglected. 

I am fine with Talos being a Nordic figure who represents the breaking point, but I would’ve rolled Shor in there with him, with both of them essentially being seen as versions of "Lorkhan" by the Aldmeri. 

I also would’ve made the Dovahkiin being declared "Ysmir" by the Greybeards a much bigger deal (similar to how being named "Nerevarine/Hortator" by the tribes of Morrowind was). That would have Nords recognizing your parallels with Talos and seeing you as the latest champion of humanity. Meanwhile, the Thalmor now see you as a major threat and target.

3 hours ago, Centurion said:

Change the moot to having the Jarls pick their own candidate (Ulfric) and the emperor steps in and named Torygg High King to assert imperial dominance. Ulfric still challenges torygg in the old way and the Empire still declares it illegal and murder, directly stomping on Nordic culture and tradition, thus begins the civil war over Nordic way of life.

I feel like this might’ve made the decision a little too one-sided. If they made it so Ulfric was completely in the right but got snubbed by the Empire getting involved where they shouldn’t, why would anyone side with the Empire?

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26 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I also would’ve made the Dovahkiin being declared "Ysmir" by the Greybeards a much bigger deal (similar to how being named "Nerevarine/Hortator" by the tribes of Morrowind was). That would have Nords recognizing your parallels with Talos and seeing you as the latest champion of humanity. Meanwhile, the Thalmor now see you as a major threat and target.

That would also have to be later into the story in my opinion. Have the player work for it like they had to do in Morrowind.

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35 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I feel like this might’ve made the decision a little too one-sided. If they made it so Ulfric was completely in the right but got snubbed by the Empire getting involved where they shouldn’t, why would anyone side with the Empire?

For the same reasons they already do. I.e. The grey quarter, attachment from the previous games, the threat of the thalmor and wanting a united force against them, and a misplaced understanding of what nationalism is v. Ethnic nationalism. In universe it’d be much the same reasons just change attachment from the other games to “loyalty to country” and take out the nationalism debate



Civil war rewrite,

territory still divided how it is with whiterun as neutral at the start of the game. Skyrim would actually be war torn like a civil war should be with armies clashing along major road ways and raiding forts. Much like the Skyrim at war mod that adds 200 patrols around Skyrim. Forts along major roads and strategic locations are actually manned by the imperials or Stormcloaks instead of bandits from the start. The forts will change hands depending on if the bat take is won or lost but never really advancing due to the stalemate as not to outpace the character. Every fort, city, and strategic location with have a battle quest like the siege of whiterun.

Once the player joins a side, I’d keep the jagged crown quest the same with the option to turncoat still there and whoever you deliver the crown to will actually use it. Ulfric will wear it, Elisif will display it next to her throne. Then begins the questline in earnest.

If the player advances with the Stormcloaks they’ll be sent to aid in advancing the lines through Falkreath just to get pushed back by the imperials heavy fortifications extending from Fort Nuegrad to Helgen blocking the mountain pass from the rift.

if Imperial, they’ll get sent much the same to The Pale only for stiff Stormcloak resistance on the high ground out of the marsh and various outpost along the road blocking any serious attempts at advancing.

this then prompts the sides to secure the support of Whiterun. 

Stormcloak, attempt to gain support from Balgruuf by doing various quests for him like clearing bandit camps or solving problems for the people of Whiterun hold, while on your final task for Balgruuf, a thalmor agent (it wouldn’t be known they were behind it at this point) poisons him in an attempt to keep the stalemate going. Hrongar is crowned Jarl and joins whiterun with the imperials, prompting the siege of Whiterun, with Vignar grey-mane becoming jarl

Imperial, plays out the same with Balgruuf help quests up to the assassination and crowning of Hrongar, except you defend Whiterun from the Stormcloaks.

After securing whiterun, the Stormcloaks push on to Fort Greymoor to capture it from the imperials. Alternatively, the imperials push to Valthiem Towers and secure it from the stormcloaks.

Liberation of Skyrim: the PC proceeds back to Falkreath by way if Riverwood and assists in capturing the ruined Helgen turned fort. Then to Fort Nuegrad and onto Falkreath with a major battle at each location. 

they then press on to fort Sunguard, onto Markarth and finally swing up to that Forsworn fort on the road by the Reach Stormcloak camp that I can’t remember the name of.

The battle for morthal is next, filled by Fort Snowhawk

The battle of the Dragonbridge follows with a huge battle in the fields outside dragonbridge occur to secure the Dragonbridge and the town becomes the Stormcloaks stronghold for their pushes to Fort Hraggstad and Solitude.


Reunification of Skyrim: the PC joins and assault force moving through the Labyrinthian pass into the pale from whiterun smashing outposts along the way. Dawnstar falls and the imperials push to Fort Dunstad.

they then continue to Fort Kastav and winterhold following.

the pc is transferred to Falkreath and assaults Ivarstead and Trevas watch on the southern rift road. Riften falls and they push to the fort Greenwall

from there the imperials march on fort Amol and Morvunskar. The Windhelm bridge becomes a massive battle site all the way to the doors.


Meanwhile, the pc is getting messages about forts and outposts coming under siege and responding to them to make the civil war much more involved. After the battle of whiterun if the pc decided to put off the civil war it will advance slowly like over in game months towards a defeat for the pc chosen side. 

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