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19 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

It is, but for what it is, I think they handled it well. There's some late-game twists that work very well. They tie the game into the universe pretty decently, but it dosen't become immediate apparent until the mid-game. 

I’d almost prefer it to be seperate, considering how much Rebirth diminished my investment in the universe. But I’ll probably just ignore that one and plow forward like it never happened. XD 

I did find a note mentioning Roman ruins, so I’m guessing that’s going to be where the ghoul is from. Some old world evil that got buried by the Romans until the French dug it back up.


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I’d almost prefer it to be seperate, considering how much Rebirth diminished my investment in the universe. But I’ll probably just ignore that one and plow forward like it never happened. XD 

I did find a note mentioning Roman ruins, so I’m guessing that’s going to be where the ghoul is from. Some old world evil that got buried by the Romans until the French dug it back up.

Keep playing it and find out XD 

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Always remember the route back to the safe room XD

Yeah, wrong turns can be lethal. :lol: But at least those are my fault. Watching my legs get stuck on flat planks of broken wood that I pried off a doorway is easily the most frustrating thing in this game. Otherwise, I have few complaints. It’s very good. 


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@BigBossBalrog Gosh dog, this game is sooooo much better than Rebirth it’s almost unreal. :rofl: I am slowly but surely getting more comfortable with the mechanics and really loving the gameplay loop. It’s basically just a terrifying Metroidvania where you gradually explore each area more and more over several trips, limited in how much you can accomplish at once by the small carrying capacity.

The monster never stops being scary. Thing is too smart for an AI, knows how to navigate around obstacles and traps, and I could’ve sworn it even dipped away when I threw a grenade at it.

Have pretty thoroughly explored the maintenance tunnels and the prison. Even kinda-sorta saved the German (took several attempts) using an explosive barrel and a molotov to drive the beast away. Though one of the coolest and most surprising moments was popping up topside for a breather only to nearly get my head blown off by a German sniper. Crazy all this is happening in the middle of an active trench war, and nobody up there seems any the wiser. 

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And the decision to make the flashlight noisy, forcing players to choose between varying degrees of stealth and vision, was inspired. It perfectly encapsulates the devs’ original gameplay philosophy when making Dark Descent: instead of forcing scary moments onto players (like scripted jump scares), they wanted to force the players to do the scary things themselves. The horror is so much more real when you must personally create noises that you know will attract the monster.


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17 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog Gosh dog, this game is sooooo much better than Rebirth it’s almost unreal. :rofl: I am slowly but surely getting more comfortable with the mechanics and really loving the gameplay loop. It’s basically just a terrifying Metroidvania where you gradually explore each area more and more over several trips, limited in how much you can accomplish at once by the small carrying capacity.

The monster never stops being scary. Thing is too smart for an AI, knows how to navigate around obstacles and traps, and I could’ve sworn it even dipped away when I threw a grenade at it.

Have pretty thoroughly explored the maintenance tunnels and the prison. Even kinda-sorta saved the German (took several attempts) using an explosive barrel and a molotov to drive the beast away. Though one of the coolest and most surprising moments was popping up topside for a breather only to nearly get my head blown off by a German sniper. Crazy all this is happening in the middle of an active trench war, and nobody up there seems any the wiser. 

That's one of my favorite little details :rofl: It can kill you too. If I remember your actually like 60 percent done! 

My favorite part of the game is the puzzle box level design. Each section is its own environmental puzzle with a bunch of smaller puzzles inside that; ones you must complete while facing against an enemy that can hunt you intelligently.

2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

And the decision to make the flashlight noisy, forcing players to choose between varying degrees of stealth and vision, was inspired. It perfectly encapsulates the devs’ original gameplay philosophy when making Dark Descent: instead of forcing scary moments onto players (like scripted jump scares), they wanted to force the players to do the scary things themselves. The horror is so much more real when you must personally create noises that you know will attract the monster.

I think the devs called it "slow drip terror" XD Fits very well with the visceral WW1 theme, where everything is supposed to be shit and unreliable. Creates a really cool decision that remains relevant throughout. 

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Bunker does a good job of keeping the terror up even as you get more familiar with it. It’s never been quite as scary for me as it was in the first hour, but the beast digging a hole into the "safe" room definitely got close. He also seems to hang out around the early game area a lot more than he used to. Game won’t let you get too comfortable. XD 


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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Bunker does a good job of keeping the terror up even as you get more familiar with it. It’s never been quite as scary for me as it was in the first hour, but the beast digging a hole into the "safe" room definitely got close. He also seems to hang out around the early game area a lot more than he used to. Game won’t let you get too comfortable. XD 

In the post launch "brutal mode" they made it so that the safe room door can only take so many of his attempts to get inside... 

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13 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Not technically XD You can avoid it by running away and sneaking back to the area; you just won't have the safety of it as panic room.

That’s what I meant. Like screwed out of having any sort of safe zone.

I guess you could still retreat into the generator room and lock the door to it. But there’s nowhere to run if he gets past that. 


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On 4/30/2024 at 9:26 PM, BigBossBalrog said:

Been replaying some Silent Hill 1. Barring the atmosphere being slightly hampered by the fact I know what movie they based it off of (still amazing), I forgot how disturbing the Elementary School Level is. Like I said, they modelled it after a real one and the CHILD enemies that you have to fight and kill make it really surreal (and it was infact censored in all but the American releases) 



I just watched the movie again with my now one and only gf lol

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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23 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I just watched the movie again with my now one and only gf lol

The movies....fun for what it is XD Absoutley nails the atmsophere and the practical effects are amazing. 

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I finished The Bunker last weekend before concluding my 10,000th replay of New Vegas. XD 

It was great from beginning to end. I am so glad to see Frictional returning to form and making good stuff. If they can churn out one or two more of this quality in a row, Afterbirth will be a distant memory.


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