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Soulsborne Thread #7 (And Sekiro and Elden Ring and other shiet)

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In regards to Paleblood; Miyisaki offered two interprations of it in an interview with Future Press.

"One is the color of the sky after the players defeats the Rom and the Mensis secret ritual is revealed. The sky there is a very pale blue, like a body drained of blood. Before the ritual is revealed, when the player is kidnapped and goes to Yahar'gul, they don't know what it could mean yet. Then, after the ritual, they could look at it again and it'll dawn on them. This leads to the interpretation that “seek Paleblood” refers to uncovering that ritual and putting a stop to it.
Two is the "monster that comes from the moon under certain conditions", the Moon Presence, being the Paleblood in question." 

And in the Japanese text the note that you find at the start of the game is specifically noted to be have written by yourself. So you heard about it on your way to Yharnam 

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To me, that they all eventually shown to be undoubtedly undead means either they always were, and just made to be more clearly undead like a fresh zombie that hasnt suffered much damage yet, or, like vampires that look healthy and whole until they havent had blood...

..Which is actually way more closer an example than I realized before and I think is what they were goin for.

The other side to this is also that the moon presence having been revealed in full upon the death of rom quickens the progression of the scourge, and it makes werewolves all look fucked up, rips sticking out in super grotesque ways and clearly undead. 

So you could say either they all end up undead, or already are and its just not made obvious yet, but the original point was that undeath, life and death, etc were the moon presence's spheres so to speak, which between all that and the one reborn itself seems pretty clearly to be the case

And is fitting for a goddess of life and death. Not just a death dealer but a life giver. I.E. we're born, again and again and again. Etc

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Bloodborne: Cthulhu is the comic space squids that becon us with temptations of insight, and cosmic knowledge that we weren't meant to know.

Dark Souls: Cthulhu is HUMANITY itself; and the spiral of darkness that can consume us without the flame beckoning us, and our humanity in check.


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53 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Bloodborne: Cthulhu is the comic space squids that becon us with temptations of insight, and cosmic knowledge that we weren't meant to know.

Dark Souls: Cthulhu is HUMANITY itself; and the spiral of darkness that can consume us without the flame beckoning us, and our humanity in check.


Manus didn't come about from a lack of flame. Furtive Pygmy or not, he was as human as they come until those dumb asses tortured him until his humanity exploded XD

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Tho to be fair, honestly everything in bloodborne comes down to the folly of humanity... Their reaching out to the great ones was ok by itself, until they started experimenting on shit. Even gehrmund's sin goes back to Kos and what they did there since he reached out to the Moon Presence (I lost taste for Flora myself lol doesnt sound alien enough like Kos), to bring her back, and of course got a fuck doll instead.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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7 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Tho to be fair, honestly everything in bloodborne comes down to the folly of humanity... Their reaching out to the great ones was ok by itself, until they started experimenting on shit. Even gehrmund's sin goes back to Kos and what they did there since he reached out to the Moon Presence (I lost taste for Flora myself lol doesnt sound alien enough like Kos), to bring her back, and of course got a fuck doll instead.

I was just going to say that; Bloodborne is about mankind's yearning for forbidden knowledge and how when they find it, there's disastrous consequences. 

Dark Souls is that it's already inherently inside humanity (and it questions whether the real humanity are the dark sprites within us, or the psychological humanity) and that we can be transformed into nightmarish creatures of the Abyss by it going wild. 

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