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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #1

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I was gonna try the first one but I dismissed it because I’m not that big a fan of turn based RPGs anymore.

I don’t know that I’d say the overall story is stellar, it’s kinda like origins where the individual character stories carries the game.

Its like D&D in a videogame.

Ill check out that vid when I get home

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Not into werewolves but then I wasn't into vampires, either, til that game. Such a fucking great game. It's maybe the most memorable game I've played. Like, I can dream I'm in the scenes, which is surprising given it's older graphics.

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3 minutes ago, Celan said:

Not into werewolves but then I wasn't into vampires, either, til that game. Such a fucking great game. It's maybe the most memorable game I've played. Like, I can dream I'm in the scenes, which is surprising given it's older graphics.

It's actually one of the few games that made me feel like I was playing a Tabletope-esqu game, in that there's so many ways to get through each quest and encounter. And that every playstyle is truly unique. It was on sale on gog for five bucks a week ago, and since I lost my pirated disc copy, I got it and have been playing with a few mods (Which fix all the bugs and add alot of the cut content)  Been going as one of the royal bloodline (Same clan as Prince, I think Venue?), and been using my crazy dominating powers to get what I want with limited bloodshed (and guns if I ever need too)

Never knew I could get my own Yuri slave, discovered a couple days ago you can make your own ghoul XD

But nah, Werewolfves are bloody badass.


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I was just about to like that comment and then I saw the bit about Yuri slaves XD 

Anyway, it’s what I wish Bethesda would take inspiration from for quest designs if not Obsidian at least. I don’t know if I can play another Bethesda title full of linear lazy ass quests.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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If they’re similar I’ll definitely grab it, I’ve been aching for good RPGs lately ever since fallout 4 failed and I played the shit out of Witcher3.

Which I finally got my shadow at work to play. Basically blew his mind since he plays shit like Arma and Warframe, or fucking Final Fantasy and Division XD fucking division dude. Upgrade or no that shit has nothing on Witcher.


"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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9 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I was just about to like that comment and then I saw the bit about Yuri slaves XD 

Anyway, it’s what I wish Bethesda would take inspiration from for quest designs if not Obsidian at least. I don’t know if I can play another Bethesda title full of linear lazy ass quests.

Hey I saved her! She needs to pay me back with her blood!

Just so happens she's pretty cute. And she went to my Vampress lair willing so...


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The most minor spoiler ever, have to say it because its hilarious the game allows it.

So the player is forced on this hunt with another character who hates them, don't want to spoil the details. During said hunt the player was given a challenge to hunt more rabbits then his partner, while the partner went off I just had the player sleep because he was wounded and tired.

I got away with it.

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1 minute ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

If they’re similar I’ll definitely grab it, I’ve been aching for good RPGs lately ever since fallout 4 failed and I played the shit out of Witcher3

I don’t know how similar they are because I ain’t played Divinity, but your description makes it sound like they are. 


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

XD I know. I know. I’m just kidding.

But really good? I’m not saying we were bad or anything, but she’ll probably think chapter 3 is like... Tolkien level or something. 

I mean... it basically is in comparison. 

But I still enjoy books that ain’t Tolkien leveled. Writing is hard man, even chapter one quality writing people have a hard time doing. The beginning was kinda meh but you can tell we improved halfway through. 

Baldur’s dialogue to me was almost unrecognizable to Baldur now lol.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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22 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Friend of mine on tumblr read the first chapter of the rp, said we write very well. She says she wants to read more, I keep warning her how long it is lol.

It took me almost a Damn year and a half to read all of it, keep in mind I did take month long breaks here and there, but if I kept at it until the end, probably a month or two would be all the time investment needed. But then again, fuck that.

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21 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I mean... it basically is in comparison. 

But I still enjoy books that ain’t Tolkien leveled. Writing is hard man, even chapter one quality writing people have a hard time doing. The beginning was kinda meh but you can tell we improved halfway through. 

Baldur’s dialogue to me was almost unrecognizable to Baldur now lol.

That's what I meant. But yeah, we improved a lot over the course of Ch1. Enough that you can tell a marked difference by the start of Ch2. Imo, by the time we're a couple pages into Ch3, we're significantly better than even that on average.

I agree with the rest too. I definitely don't need to be jumping into some legendary or groundbreaking piece of writing to enjoy it. Hell, I enjoyed my reread of the first two chapters earlier this month so much that I hardly shut up about it during that time. Even when the writing wasn't all that, the ideas we had and the characters involved were fun enough to carry the posts.

Baldur probably found his "voice" around the time he started mentally torturing Lorgar. XD 

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1 minute ago, Centurion said:

It took me almost a Damn year and a half to read all of it, keep in mind I did take month long breaks here and there, but if I kept at it until the end, probably a month or two would be all the time investment needed. But then again, fuck that.

I'd be amazed if anyone who wasn't a member or aspiring to join actually read the entire thing. They would have to seriously like the RP and want to know what happens to the characters. Hell, that'd be pretty flattering actually.


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

That's what I meant. But yeah, we improved a lot over the course of Ch1. Enough that you can tell a marked difference by the start of Ch2. Imo, by the time we're a couple pages into Ch3, we're significantly better than even that on average.

I agree with the rest too. I definitely don't need to be jumping into some legendary or groundbreaking piece of writing to enjoy it. Hell, I enjoyed my reread of the first two chapters earlier this month so much that I hardly shut up about it during that time. Even when the writing wasn't all that, the ideas we had and the characters involved were fun enough to carry the posts.

Baldur probably found his "voice" around the time started mentally torturing Lorgar. XD 

Baldur probably found his "voice" around the time started mentally torturing Lorgar”

:rofl: it’s true lol.

I got a lot of inspiration on Baldur after taking it out on Camp Romulus’s ass too.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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