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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #30

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25 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I had no hopes for Bloodlines 2 being good before but now I really don’t. They stripped all Chris Avellone contributions from the game.

They booted him from Dying Light 2 as well. Sucks. Whatever else is true about him, that dude can write.


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If I were them I'd give him an under the table deal to keep his work, take his name off of it, pay him, and just claim credit.

You know, if I were a slimeball. I bet thats what he did so he could still get cheddar.

But yea, I didn't know he was a contractor. Feels bad, bro. I know the struggle.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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"They didn't say Avellone's contributions were purged from Bloodlines 2, exactly. They said he "contributed only briefly, and none of his writing is in the current game." Seems like it was left on the cutting room floor long ago, and they're mentioning it now for virtue points and/or mob protection."

That is basically what they said, so this person's right. They basically made something out of nothing to make a show of it and separate them from Chris.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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8 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

"They didn't say Avellone's contributions were purged from Bloodlines 2, exactly. They said he "contributed only briefly, and none of his writing is in the current game." Seems like it was left on the cutting room floor long ago, and they're mentioning it now for virtue points and/or mob protection."

That is basically what they said, so this person's right. They basically made something out of nothing to make a show of it and separate them from Chris.

I thought the implication was that this was why they removed his contributions.


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I thought the implication was that this was why they removed his contributions.

Maybe but to me it seems people are assuming that, but they havent been on cutting floor stage for a while and all this just recently broke out. The game is supposedly coming out this year.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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9 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Speaking of Vampire the Masquerade, i'm really tired of the Neo Gothic aesthetics that people keep using for Vampire media, the True Blood Hipster look XD 

I want some Gothic, Medieval Vampire shit. 

Greymoor. ;) 

Though tbh I dislike the Gothic thing for TES vampires. It is a cool look and they do it well, but it feels out of place in Skyrim especially. I want my undead ice monsters.

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15 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Greymoor. ;) 

Though tbh I dislike the Gothic thing for TES vampires. It is a cool look and they do it well, but it feels out of place in Skyrim especially. I want my undead ice monsters.

Agreed, as cool as it is seeing vamps in blackreach, why does being a vamp suddenly make your taste in aesthetics completely different. Hassildor was the same ol guy afterwards with no vamp decor. Yea hes gotta blend in but I still doubt he suddenly has the urge to put gargoyles everywhere.

I'd like to see some nordy ass vampires for once like a true Nord clan, not just a vamp that happens to be a nord.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Yeah, you could take Greymoor castle and copy/paste it virtually anywhere in Tamriel, and it would work just as well. Same with Volkihar, honestly.

Thankfully, the expansion has a heavy focus on Reachmen and ice witches as well, both of which are much more relevant to Skyrim and help smooth things over a lot. And werewolves too, though their relationship with Nordic culture has been somewhat neutered.

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I was kinda hoping that the Icereach Coven would relate somehow to the original Volkihar vampires we were told about. The ones who were known for reaching through the ice and pulling people under.

I mean, come on. ice. reach. reach through ice. And with vampire ties. That shit writes itself. XD 

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Perhaps they could've even been icereach coven witches that courted vampirism like the reachmen court hircine and beastial forms. Thus giving birth to ice magic volkihar vamps.

And with that big chunk of western Skyrim with all the ice storms, snow, sea of ghosts, etc, it was a bit of a wasted opportunity.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Yep. Or that the Volkihar Clan became like described by either splitting off from or working alongside the coven. But sadly, the Volkihar don’t even appear.


They do get mentioned, though. But annoyingly it kinda made them sound weak. A character speculated that they might fear Greymoor too much to go against the Ash Lord. But it was just speculation. Personally, I like to think Harkon is too obsessed with his own prophesy to give a shit about rivals. If he feared them so much, you’d think he would’ve answered the call and joined the host rather than ignoring it entirely.


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Never thought about it, but yeah, I agree. Sadly, their hands were kinda tied because the Grey Host was already a previously established faction for years. And I am glad they decided to use an infamous faction that’s part of the world rather than something just pulled out of thin air like the dragons in Elsweyr (even if it was ultimately well done).

There is a really good MK write-up about this sort of thing, How all the names in Tamriel were super generic in Arena and Daggerfall, and how they made it a focus in Redguard and Morrowind to give them more uniqueness.

So generic fantasy "Morrowind" became retconned to be the Imperialized’ name for Resdayn and Vvardenfell was invented. "Imperial Province" became Cyrodiil, "Summerset" became Alinor, etc.

By that same token, Volkihar sounds way cooler and more unique than Grey Host. Like an actual word from an ancient language.

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Finally got to play and beat bloodroot forge on veteran, though it was bruuutal XD It is rough on the dps bum bum for sure, but the mechanics are pretty easy so it wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be in that regard. As long as you have a good tank, you're set.

It punishes small mistakes hard though. You get caught in a red circle, 3/5 times you're probably dead or close to it

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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