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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. I dunno, would be pretty rad to have a game with Void-Nords on snow whales raiding Sunbirds.
  2. What kind of aesthetic would you have gone for in Starfield @The Good Doctor
  3. Just like the Catarina set, I'll bet you a big ass bulky suit like that offers good protection. Astronauts in orbit are going at an insanely fast speed, debris are going at like 16k mph too and are a huge danger. It's retarded looking, but practical
  4. How does it compare to Fallout 3 and 4? Being better than those isn't the highest praise, but it's a damn good start
  5. Nearly panicked last night when I finished my chapter 1 French test. This shit is towards 40% of the final grade, and due to a bug in the system my test was graded as a 65.99! But what it was is 15 out of 23 questions were multiple choice, while the rest were written essays. Turns out I actually got every choice correct. So in the end I made a 94.5, my professor apologized as the system wasn't supposed to grade it.
  6. What's controversial about her? I keep out of modder drama as much as possible.
  7. It's not like they haven't had brutal scenes before, with Anakin becoming Well Done.
  8. The actual reaction would have been insanely brutal. Imagine if Disney had the balls to show off how threatening and evil a character would be, leaving a lightsaber in their opponent long enough to cause them to ignite or explode.
  9. You know what, I can see that. I don't know which is worse, surviving a fucking volcanic eruption and pyroclastic flow. Or literally everything to do with the battle of winterfell.
  10. Her best traits of course are her clumsiness, bravery, and lack of respect for authority figures.
  11. Hey did you know that noori is brave, clumsy and doesn't follow the rules
  12. Are you... trying to say... that... surviving a pyroclastic flow... is nonsensical? You're obviously prejudiced. No, no no, RoP is even worse than GoT's season 8. At least season 7 also completely sucked, as did the entirety of the later show. Rings of Power hit the ground sprinting in the shit. I'd be into that, the Fall of Numenor alone would be worthy of it's own movie.
  13. You know what's amusing to me? Since so much of modern fantasy is inspired by Tolkien, just how little the Noldor are used as inspiration. If memory serves, they're badass warrior-elves that live on mountaintops and are the greatest elf-smiths, not to mention the strongest of all Elven warriors. There's a hint of Celtic "doomed hero" about them, powerful warriors destined for greatness but also short lives.
  14. If the very long spanning war against Morgoth would be too all encompassing, I'd say follow the doomed lineage of Fëanor as they try to fulfill their impossible oath.
  15. @The Good Doctor I'm about half way through that channel with the cursed Kronk avatar. I never knew the depths of just how awful Rings of Power was, partly because it was practically eldritch knowledge to witness such a level of bad writing and hatred of the source. Every time I delve deeper into RoP, I learn even more how shitty it is Here's an impossible task, in the same vein as our rewriting/reimagining of Fallout, Halo, and Elder Scrolls discussions. What all would you do that could possibly make this show even mediocre? I think it's impossible without a slew of new actors and actresses, and completely change the script. I mean it's already basically fanfiction, since they legally couldn't do the Silmarillion Another thought, if you could adapt anything from the Silmarillion, and have an enthusiastic Peter Jackson with creative freedom make it, what would you adapt? This goes for you too @BigBossBalrog @Celan
  16. That cursed Yzma-Kronk has permanently left an imprint on my cosmic being.
  17. Wow holy shit, this is how Anniversary should have been. I've not played many mods, but Halo 3 CE is easily the best. Elites are no joke, I never realized how tough 3 made them until fighting'em
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