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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Tartarsauce was unsurprisingly a pushover. Old ass brute never hit me once, I was far more worried about the reinforcements with ya know, guns.
  2. Aaaand done. Halo 2 legendary threatened to break me, but I did it in about two days. Now I have ODST and 4 left to complete legendary runs on. Would I recommend? No. Was it worth the bragging rights? Yes. Will I do it again on LASO? Fuck off.
  3. There's a video comparing the time to kill from a plasma rifle wielding elite in Halo 1 to Halo 2 legendary. From full health and shields in 1, it takes about three to four seconds to die if the elite doesn't miss. Halo 2, you die in under a second.
  4. @The Good Doctor Heretic, Hero is part of the soundtrack. Here's the old one. And the new.
  5. Hardest to Easiest. Halo 2 Halo Reach Halo 3 Halo CE Most to Least Fun. Halo CE: The most fine tuned and well balanced legendary. This is the best way to play, and feels like the canonical difficulty even if Heroic is technically. The enemies are powerful, but you're a supersoldier and moreso than any other Halo, you feel unstoppable. It's also the only legendary where any combination of weapons are viable, you don't need a plasma pistol and headshot capable weapon just to survive. Halo Reach: Second only to 2 in brutal difficulty, elites are terrifying and they will obliterate you if you make one mistake. Reach just has one of the best campaigns ever, this translates well to legendary. Not counting Long Night against it as the unfairness was a MCC bug. Halo 3: Outside some extreme spikes in difficulty, this also felt very well balanced. But at the same time, the rise tinted glasses have faded a little and Halo 3 just isn't as fun as it used to be. Halo 2: It's not at all fun, but this is entirely due to the lack of fine tuning and balance. It's not just the jackal snipers, which the safety of checkpoints lets you die enough times to memorize their locations. But you feel like a wet napkin, chief is literally the second weakest thing in the game, that's not a joke. If Bungie had two more years, and the 360 hardware. Halo 2 in general would have been the greatest game of all time. But as it is, this legendary threatened to destroy me.
  6. Final mission boys. God I hate the remastered Heretic, Hero
  7. Already done it I went incredibly out of order. Mine was Reach, 1, 3, and doing 2
  8. I'm on the home stretch lads, just beat the hardest mission on Halo 2 legendary, fucking Gravemind. Just a few more missions and my solo legendary run will be finished
  9. We've got the noble sacrifice, hero's journey, redemption, and the everyman.
  10. The Covenant would be doomed if there was ever a Jackal Rebellion. Fifty sniper jackals could take on all of High Charity
  11. In Halo 2 legendary, chief is statistically the second weakest thing in the game. With only an infection form being weaker
  12. Master Chief no doubt. Hard not to get attached to a character when you play three amazing games with one, plus good books.
  13. No no, trust me, the armor having an extendo ass increases the protection
  14. Uhm aktchually, she is a Spartan III and didn't go through nearly the same process as their predecessors. 🤓
  15. "So hear me out, the men get horrific early induced puberty and excruciatingly painful growing that leaves them looking like a roidded up Arnold Schwarzenegger until they eventually start to grow into it in their later twenties, if they survive long enough." "And the female Spartans?" "Oh they come out hot." "Uh, aren't they like twelve?"
  16. I never said that, didn't even remember that lore They'd still have been pumped full of so many chemicals and body altering shit that they'd not look very feminine in the end. Don't know why that'd be reconned other than to get more redditer fans of the games
  17. Good timing, I just finished watching that Halo Legends short The Babysitter. Which if we're going by the lore, that female Spartan should have looked roid raged hormonally supercharged, instead of an animu girl But yeah, the Halo 3, ODST and Reach live action trailers are so good. They put the literal ass tv show to shame
  18. Aside from some minor nitpicking, like the post Halo 3 trend of smushing the Brute's snout like a bulldog, and the Elites looking kinda weird in the face. It's the perfect visuals.
  19. Why in the goddamn did they not use the finished framework? And Halo Custom Edition wasn't thaaaat bad
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