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Evil Librarian
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Everything posted by Celan

  1. Whenever you feel down about yourself, remember that someone earned actual dollars to write this drivel. In a behemoth suit or something? It cracks me up that my paladin/bard casts like he's doing a guitar solo.
  2. Excuse me, my PC is a female drow and it is her Lolth-given right to be serviced by whomever and in whatever manner she chooses.
  3. Playing around with a male Oath of Vengeance paladin/ bard character who is Dark Urge origin. I made him a Halsin-proportioned elf for eye candy purposes, but it also amuses me that an elf who should be sitting around playing his lute has all these murderous urges and just wants to smite everything. Not sure who he's going to romance yet. He gets along well with Karlach. When he told Lae'zel about his dark urges, her response was "sometimes you just gotta choke a bitch." I'm immune to the "gotta protect Shadowheart" vibes. But we'll see how things go.
  4. The white security officers definitely had Disadvantage on their Ghetto Beatdown attack rolls here.
  5. He will still get sick. I think he needs a total of 3 items before the story progresses. I was able to loot extra stuff from the goblins to keep him fed. Oh, since this annoyed me that I missed it, the Returning Pike from the goblin camp vendor is a great item for Karlach. If you make her a berserker with Tavern Brawler feat, she gets insane damage from Enraged Throw.
  6. Oh, and it goes without saying that every single area and scene has been well done. It’s wonderful to play a game with such smart dialogue and so many variations.
  7. Basically. I had been sleeping on going to the creche but I am glad I backtracked and did it. Not only did we get rich, Lae’zel needed a big wake up call.
  8. Not yet but it could happen. I rather enjoy the grumpy woman contingent of Lae’zel and Jaheira. And damn but my fire sorceress and Jaheira can clear a room full of mooks efficiently.
  9. My drow sorceress is currently slaughtering her way through Baldur’s Gate. So far she has convinced nearly every boss in act 2 to suicide themselves, had tentacle sex and liked it, defied three gods and counting, and gotten filthy rich by murdering mouthy githyanki.
  10. All my adventuring has been in daylight (except for *spoilers* in act 2). When you click on "End the Day" in camp, it turns into a nighttime scene. I freely abuse the rest system and the fact that camp supplies are plentiful. You can do a "short rest" to recover health but I hate being without my pet spells. Also a lot of companion story beats happen in camp.
  11. He's in your camp. He has other story things, but he offers respec for 100 gold.
  12. He's very popular. One of the best things they put in this game was the cheap respec. Lets you play with builds and not feel penalized or locked in.
  13. They had to slip that in there. I had my gallbladder removed and it was like getting my life back. Worth the big scar.
  14. I was in college and kept getting misdiagnosed at the free clinic for stress-related spastic gastritis. The days and nights of continually dry heaving while my guts felt like they were on fire... Anyway... The guy who tried to sue the Tolkien Estate and Amazon over Rings of Power because it supposedly stole from his fanfiction story lost his suit and has to pay $134K in legal fees.
  15. I had never heard of him, but sad to see one so young die. He apparently was suffering from alcoholism which gave him pancreatitis? I lived with pancreatitis for a while or so and it is indeed the worst pain I've ever experienced. My surgeon said he didn't know how I was walking around. Mine was from gallstones, not alcoholism.
  16. The problem with rogues becomes more apparent when fighters and barbarians get their extra attacks as they level up. Being able to make multiple attacks in a turn whereas rogues only get one and a couple bonus actions. The problem with druids is that you’re not as good at anything as other party members except control AoE. That’s just not very fun. It does get better at higher levels.
  17. Understandable. It’s rough having to take 2 druids for Halsin approval bumps, when it isn’t the best class for this game.
  18. His story has surprising depth. I am not normally attracted to posh type men but he's irresistible to me, I don't know why. My druid is too good hearted for him. He has the best rejection line ever. "It's not you, it's me. I have standards." Savage. I don't know anything about Warhammer, but I would give this a try just because of Henry's involvement. I hope he gets a decent showrunner this time.
  19. I bet you'll like Karlach. She's a trip. Make her a Berserker and she hits like a freaking freight train, and is a pretty good ranged character because of her Enraged Throw. I've heard that for druids, she can throw you when you're in wildshape for massive damage. I haven't tried being an Owlbear projectile yet but I can't wait.
  20. My druid is trying to get with Halsin and Withers told her that love is the point of mortal life but he noticed she beds down alone. Like, dude, don't rub it in. I made Astarion a Gloomstalker Ranger, and he's my favorite sneaky vampire cowboy sniper ever.
  21. Mage problems. On my druid, I was experimenting with giving Gale a couple levels of cleric, so he could swap in for Shadowheart. I decided I wanted his higher level wizard spells so respec'ed him again and forgot I had him in heavy armor. Realized it during a big fight when he couldn't cast any spells. He got through the whole fight in his satin boxers, like a boss. Oh, and I put him in that dumb helmet you get from the tieflings. It's more druid themed but it's great for a healer, heals the caster every time they heal someone else, and I have him wearing a heal amulet. It's for your own good, Gale.
  22. This is probably in response to him tweeting out that bit about how there are 12 million "fans" of Starfield and person after person pointing out that they are one of the 12m players but are not fans of the game.
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