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Witchking of Angmar

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Everything posted by Witchking of Angmar

  1. I played Subnautica till the end. That thing scared the hell out of me. Fuck the deep ocean. Fuck the dark, deep ocean.
  2. Problem with Amnesia is that I've watched parts of a playthrough way back so I've already most parts of the game spoiled for me.
  3. Any good suggestions for a good (and hopefully not too long) horror game I could get on Steam?
  4. I think I remember telling you folk that I made Yornar hate elves for the purpose of making it so I couldn't slip into making a character that would find elves hot. Because I found human man lusting after elf women to be rather generic.
  5. When confronted about his alleged Thalmor sympathies Colonel had this to say: "Altmer women are so hot, you wouldn't believe. You may all deny it, but you agree. Altmer women are so hot, so hot. Believe me. Believe me. They're so hot."
  6. Breaking news! Colonel found to be a secret Thalmor supporter. Sources say it all started with a relationship with an Altmer woman.
  7. I don't know why but this gave me an idea of a dystopic future where mega-corporation have become akin to eldritch gods that demand worship and strange rituals of their followers/employees.
  8. That's because Sweden and Finland used to be one country with Sweden as the dominant half. As such there's a lot of people with Swedish roots living in Finland. Apparently they also make up a large part of the more well to do folk in the country. These people has Swedish as their first language. And as such Swedish is an official language in Finland alongside Finnish. At least that's how I understand it. Might be wrong on some detail.
  9. I wonder where Rosaria would be kept. I bet she would be kept in some kind of secret temple where people could make sacrifices behind closed doors.
  10. Only in Dark Souls of course. Though I might be persuaded in real life if I also got the Leonhard outfit. Thinking about it some more, Rosaria existing in real life would give way to a really fucked up industry. If you think Hollywood is bad now...
  11. I thought simp meant you didn't get anything worthwhile in return. Being able to alter one's appearance and get a ring that turns you invisible would be something I'd cut out tongues for.
  12. I might be able to figure out what needs to be done. Should only need to edit one or two variables. Though finding them is gonna be the tricky part.
  13. There's a problem with the site forcing the top and bottom of the background image to touch the top and bottom of the page. This means when the page is long the image gets up-scaled to the point that you only see the absolute bottom and top pixels of the image.
  14. For anyone interested I took the opportunity to make a form eldritch background for the phone. Colonel has put it up.
  15. New Orleans is supposed to have lots of swamps and wetlands, which could make for a good place for some freaky stuff and possible use of water as a gameplay mechanic. Though my knowledge about US cities and places is somewhat limited.
  16. He started out as tall but ever since Celan told us about her little theory that nords and giants share ancestors I figured maybe should up the height a bit. But he’d fall on slightly below average in his old days. Which makes him a little smug about finally being tall now.
  17. And to be fair I gave Dales 5 extra cm (ca 2 inches) to what I originally thought was her height. I’ll let Balrog decide but this is what I thought when he said tiny.
  18. Found a website for human size comparisons. Used Baldur and Maggie for basis to get an idea of how tall Yornar and Dales are. Also I must say that unless the average height of a nord is higher than I though then Boldir must be a giant if he's quite a bit taller than Baldur. https://www.mrinitialman.com/OddsEnds/Sizes/compsizes.xhtml?Baldur~male~195.6_Yornar~male~200_Maggie~female~172.7_Dales~female~145
  19. I'm thinking about drawing a form of black book background that depicts the Imperial City and Wellstone. Along with various symbols from both universes.
  20. I'm still curious, how tall is Dales? I just want to get an idea on how the two would look when standing next to each other. Like I get the felling he can pat Dales on the head without having to move his upper arm.
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