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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Oh yeah I forgot to mention it. When me and Nick were out and about Saturday we saw a fucking furry all suited up in petsmart. Jesus it was weird. We avoided eye contact.
  2. @ColonelKillaBee Were playing the Borderlands 1 remaster, if you got it too jump on sometime
  3. You don't want to waste a commission on old Theu. Daric sounds good though.
  4. I never commissioned Theudofrid. I just used a cool old painting of an Archdruid
  5. Nah it doesn't bother me one bit. But bitch I'm getting tired of waiting for you to get angry at Sekiro. I want to see some salt and trap music to bosses >:(. Rip, all the elves.
  6. @ColonelKillaBee I spot a new tumblr icon. If you could why dont'cha show us the whole thing?
  7. You silly Moundmakers. Pretending to help the host instead of instantly smashing their Fallen Knight helmets in. Seriously nobody thinks moundmakers are friendly anymore, never get summoned or only for duels.
  8. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... hell nah you ain't fooling me twice Doc (and Colonel ). Edit: That being said if you actually think that. I am many things but racist isn't one of them.
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