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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Modern day soldiers ain't the same as (insert Japanese equivalent to Middle Ages) Shinobi.
  2. Ay all I know is that it was depicted in theater. Have no idea how accurate it was, considering the things I've seen depicted in European theater I had my doubts
  3. As far as Sekiro goes it wouldn't matter considering everyone attacks you on sight anyways Hell in game clothing is distinctive anyways. You gotta look at it as if a spy is trying to infiltrate the enemy. Would be better to dress and pose as a lowly peasant then dress pitch black.
  4. It's not, actually would be useful. I'm talking about the scope of things, you ain't infiltrating shit if you stand out so much. Rip, Nick meant you trolls
  5. If sabotage and subterfuge were primary goals you'd think they'd seek to blend in and not attract attention from wearing distinctive black clothing.
  6. >Mentions period accuracy. >Using later Japanese theater for shinobi black clothing.
  7. I also have a post with Centurion but it takes place after Halloween. No idea what stuff I'll be doing with Sully n' Sinbad.
  8. Whoops sorry about that. Playing Divinity with nick and I didn't have much time to think about that post before getting back. Only typing this long through a loading screen.
  9. Yooo! Demons and Wizards, my favorite metal band who's last album came out 2005 is having a US tour. Fucking Atlanta is their last show in September but damn right Im going.
  10. I just beat the game and good god with absolute certainty the final boss (at least the ending I chose, which has the hardest version of the ending) is the hardest boss Fromsoft has ever made. At this point in time I'd like to consider myself damn skilled at Dark Souls and slightly above average in Bloodborne, but by god did I have my ass handed to me time and time again for the better part of an hour and thirty.
  11. @ColonelKillaBee The Brotherhood of Blood arena is filled to the brim with cancer, sometimes it overflows and gets back at'em
  12. I have to watch this shit for Humanities class, this looks like a bunch of Hollows in the Profaned Capital fucking around.
  13. Why not? Don't worry me boy, we'll lower the difficulty for lil ol' Colonel.
  14. Easiest playthrough? We're playing on the hardest difficulty. Only thing that could make it harder is doing Honor mode but fuck that.
  15. @ColonelKillaBee Me and Nick are starting a tactician playthrough with Lone Wolf so just the two of us, Fane and Mr Clean.
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