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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Ewan McGregor is tue perfect actor they could have got for Kenobi, I cant help but feel the bullshit about Tatooine's suns making you age faster. Going by the og movies I'd have thought Obi High-Ground Kenobi would be at least twenty years older than Anakin by New Hope.
  2. Absolutely agree with the stupid shit around Vader back then. But before giving Disney too much credit, I see a bunch of recommend videos about "Why Palpatine feared this, or Why Darth Maul hated how he killed Qui Gon"
  3. I think we can all agree the best Palps is Robot Chicken Palpatine.
  4. Actually wasn't Palp just fucking with Maul the entire fight? Because before it even began he got his ass force slammed and held against a wall, only being let down because Palpy was having too much fun.
  5. You fool, Anakin was trained in the low ground arts by Qui-Gon.
  6. Actually from what I saw in relation to book Faramir, he was one of the very very few humans who could completely resist the temptation to take the ring.
  7. Actually I just said Samwise as a joke unrelated to the shitty animated return of the king movie Goddamn was episode 1 Maul a hardass. Remember how he just bum rushes Qui Gon on his speeder and starts whooping ass without a single word. Fuck your exposition and vilian monologue, he here to murder.
  8. I agree with Balrog on this one. Besides Maul has like one line in the movie and sounds pretty similar to Samwise.
  9. If I had only ever seen the original series, I'd picture the Jedi as a sort of religious crusader-like order. Like the Knights Hospitaler or Templars but still connected to the Republic. That theyd be few in number and balancing a sort of chivalric warrior philosophy with the force. And ones that didnt fucking wear robes all the time. I was under the impression Ben wore those robes because he was in the desert. Then again I think the Old Republic series portrayed the Jedi that militaristic
  10. That's what did me in, even though I like the prequels.
  11. Actually Mandalorian was even more appealing because it didnt have the space wizards. Everyone likes the space wizards, but I love a breath of fresh air where anytime theres a hint of the force it feels much more powerful without it constantly being used.
  12. They weren't just following orders mindlessly, in fact there was several occasions where clones disobeyed the command. These aren't normal soldiers, hell they aren't even normal humans. The clones were biologically programmed (and I use this word very very lightly) super soldiers. The inhibitor chip was essential to keep the clones as likeable characters on the 2008 series.
  13. Couldn't have put it better myself, THIS is why back then the clones didn't need inhibitor chips. They were biologically programmed for it, it truly was a war between two armies of automatons. Just one were biological.
  14. You better make damn sure your base is fully walled with concrete completely covering the inner parameter. Otherwise you're getting two subterranean APCs filled with engineers and a cyborg commando. GDI can pack more firepower but damn if OldNod wasn't fun.
  15. Yeaaaaaah but it's always appealing to see it portrayed. Once EA got their hands on it. Nod has always been the villain, but back then they were charismatic that appealed to everyone GDI was fucking over. Plus during Tiberian Dawn and Sun (the first two games) Nod fielded a professional army. Not rabble given firearms.
  16. It's like Command and Conquer before EA killed Westwood. Back in the day even the Brotherhood of Nod maintained a huge level of cohesion and profession. In Tiberian Sun, Nod light infantry responds to orders with a strict attitude, but in Tiberium Wars (made by EA) their 'soldiers' are cackling lunatics.
  17. A weird thing I feel about the 2003 Clone Wars (and I've said this before) is how professional the clones sound. Granted they have zero character and the voice actor cannot hold a candle to the 2008 series in character; However, 2003 clones sound every bit the professional bred soldiers they are.
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