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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. I've continued my star wars binge, having previously stopped after the OG trilogy and Phantom Menace. I forgot just how fucking creepy Anakin is towards Padme in the second movie
  2. Honestly, as much as Frank Herbert struck literary gold with the first Dune book. It gets very bizarre, very fast in the sequels. Lots of massive and long spanning scopes, lots of Morrowind esque fuckery.
  3. @Elden Clown Can back me up on the insanity of painting strats.
  4. Lots of creative ways to do combat as well. Reminds me of the good ol' days in Divinity 2 when you could do insane amounts of physical damage by throwing crates at people. And using paintings as cover/walls
  5. These videos really give power armor their OG Fallout 1/2 feel. Small arms don't do shit to you.
  6. Fallout easily, make it encompass the West Coast up to the Midwest. Halo already has really solid books, and the show is so horrible it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth just thinking of another
  7. @ColonelKillaBee This man is destroying all your theories with the One Reborn and Mensis
  8. Wake up babes, more Tarnished Archeologist Bloodborne videos.
  9. The smoothness of the combos, and incorporation of Waterfowl into regular moves. That's actually pretty cool looking.
  10. I'll give props where it's due, this looks like a much more fun version of Malenia. Way easier though since Waterfowl isn't stupid
  11. The Phantom Rave Attack of the Hussies Revenge of the Crackhoes A New Club The Bouncer Strikes Back Return of the DJ The (Crack)Line Awakens The Last Designated Driver Rise of Dagothwave
  12. "Come Player, customer or traitor come. To this place where we last met, countless Re-releases ago. To this place where Skyrim is made, why have you come un-preordered? Did you buy the false copy of Skyrim, how could you be so naive? Hahaha!" ~Godd Howard
  13. "Come, to the Mod List. And bring Creation Bucks, I have need of it. Come to me openly and not by Nexusmods."
  14. Imagine if Disney bought the rights to Elder Scrolls? "Somehow...Dagoth Ur returned"
  15. Nah bro, they made Obi Wan the most powerful force user in (canon) star wars. Holding back the entire ocean, man could have force crumpled the entire Death Star as a joke.
  16. You're damn right I'm going to whine about his portrayal! Only Jake Skywalker is a bigger character assassination then what they did to my boy Grevious. He didn't even wipe out the Nightsisters, the droids did 90% of the work. He got clapped by Ventress then did the virgin walk to kill some old hag.
  17. Before 2003 Clone Wars was retconned out of existence, 2008 Clone Wars was supposed to take place contemporarily with it. That means Grevious would go from getting smacked by early season Ashoka in a 1v1, to slaughtering Jedi masters like it was nothing, to losing against Nightsister zombies, to kidnapping Palpatine.
  18. "You must have fear, surprise, and intimidation on your side. But if any one element is lacking, it would be best for you to retreat. You must break them before you engage them. Only then will you ensure victory and have your trophy. Now if you will excuse me, I need to kidnap a baby while kicking several puppies."
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