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Evil Librarian
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Posts posted by Celan

  1. 3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

    I don’t see the two things as mutually exclusive. Paul inhabits the BG’s savior role too well, uses it for his own agenda, and creates a movement that he cannot control and ultimately just decides to roll with. That meant becoming a warlord and developing a force of personality so intense that even a Reverend Mother recoils at his Voice.

    That's just the thing, though- it's his Voice, not his voice.

  2. 1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

    All of this is true at the start, but he does ultimately grow to inhabit the role that was designed for him. So much so that he takes it further than the Bene Gesserit ever planned or wanted, and becomes so powerful that they lose control over their own artificial prophesy. Paul is every bit the charismatic alpha warrior by the end.

    I'm not so sure about that. His jihad is a force on its own, that even he can't really control, which is why he has to take ever more spice to stay ahead of events.

  3. I think the thing with Paul is that he's not supposed to be alpha male, leading man material. He's a boy who comes to power through manipulation, his own through his training as well as centuries of Bene Gesserit lever pulling. I had to make this point to Colonel also when we first watched the movie and the Syfy series. XD 

    It's all the more apparent in Villeneuve's version, since he makes the Bene Gesserit hand in events more clear than the books did.

  4. Well, all in all, nothing in the movie made me go "oh fuck no." It was more like ???? 

    I want to see it again, but probably won't be able to for a while.

    Kevin Costner has a series of four movies coming out, classic westerns. One comes out in June and the other in August, the second half of the quatrology isn't filmed yet. Costner is not my favorite actor, but I'm always up for a classic western, so at least those are something to look forward to.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

    OoooOooh I see, 84 gets shit for changing stuff from the book (The retarded raining was a demand from the studio not what Lynch wanted), but the new one gets a pass XD

    I can't wait to see it as well though. Trying to see if anyone in my friend circles have seen the first.

    There's nothing as goofy as the mechanical voice modules.

    Arguably the character changes are bigger, so, like I said, I'm still not sure about those.

  6. 2 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

    I saw a preview where Chani criticized the Great Houses for having gender roles as opposed to the enlightened Fremen, which is a funny departure from their Sunni-inspired culture in the books. But that’s Hollywood for ya. XD 

    I’m going to see it this week. Was gonna today but my friend who wants to see it with me is dragging his feet on watching the first one. I’m excited, though.

    At least it feels pretty organic to the story, not as shoehorned-in as with other movies. And they didn't do the marketing thing where they insult original fans.

  7. I saw Dune 2 last night. It was pretty damn awesome as a spectacle.

    Some surprising changes from the books. Overall, I think they were okay, though there wasn't anything where I thought "oh I love that," like the change to Jamis in the first movie. It feels like they're making a lot of concessions to the zeitgeist, having to lean quite heavily into Fremen independence particularly with Chani.

    • Like 2
  8. I found an old notebook with what I'm sure is something that @ColonelKillaBeeput me up to doing- an attempt to write a rap. Presented without further comment.


    This is Radio Celan with the right sounds

    Fillin up the mic, I make you bow down

    And acknowledge I'm the baddest bitch

    They don't teach that shit in college

    I'm killin and billin, your account is payable

    Try to beat my rhyme but you ain't able

    • Haha 2
  9. This is long, but the first half hour is the best part and enough to get the gist. It makes me admire Herbert more that he wrote such a complex story that explores the topics of colonialism in an actually interesting way instead of the heavy-handed preaching that a modern writer would use. If a modern writer even dared to appropriate Islamic history at all.


  10. Speaking of bad TV...

    It seems that everyone's favorite writers, D & D, have been given the task of adapting the Chinese sci fi series The Three Body Problem for Netflix. Anyone read the novels? They seem to be pretty controversial- supposedly they are innovative sci fi but people complain about paper thin characterization being used to throw out a bunch of techno-philosophy. And supposedly the narrative structure falls apart even further in the sequels.

    Sounds like a great challenge for our boys.

    • Haha 2
  11. Oh shit, Jodie Foster spoiled the ending of TD s4 in an interview.

    It is peak modern storytelling and exactly what you would think if you watched this dogshit series. XD

    Putting in spoiler tags just in case anyone has a masochistic wish to watch the worst TV series of the year.

    The series starts off with the deaths of scientists at a polar research station. They all end up out in the ice, naked, with their clothes folded neatly nearby.

    In a "twist" that Nic Pizzolatto mocked as stupid, the science station is owned by the "Tuttle Corporation." The Tuttles were the family in Louisiana that ran the cult from season 1.

    All throughout the series, the show has forced you to watch Native female bonding, again in the most hamhanded, stapled-in ways possible. Like the 10-minute long birthing ceremony that was just shoved in there for no reason.

    We find out that the scientists were covering up for the local mine poisoning the town's water. When I say we "find out," the bad guys just tell you in ep 5.

    Now Jodie Foster revealed that the "killers" are the Native women in the town, who let the scientists die from natural causes in order to get revenge on behalf of Mother Earth, and get the kind of justice they couldn't get from "white justice." She used those actual words. She says that the audience is supposed to feel guilty that you never guessed it was these women because they were invisible to you, you never saw them.

    BITCH YOU SHOVED THEM IN OUR FACES FOR MINUTES ON END. Of course we saw them. Of course everyone already guessed the ending.

    So there you have it. What has become of True Detective.

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

    I feel like knowing nothing about Halo would only be of benefit to a watcher, because the first season at least was downright insulting to Halo fans.

    But even if you don’t care about that, I wouldn’t reccomend it. It’s bad even just taken as its own thing. Even the studio knows it, hence why they replaced the showrunners, apparently retconned two episodes, and branded season 2 as a correction to season 1’s mistakes. 

    That bad? At least they aren't doubling down, like most of the other terrible shows- Witcher, RoP etc.

  13. Should I try to watch the Halo series? Keep in mind that I don't know anything about Halo, not the first thing.

    I've been watching Mare of Easttown again, since people were favorably comparing it to TD s4. I had watched it at my BF's house and must have slept through some of it XD because I don't remember it being this good. It's really good.

    • Like 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

    Got any interest in Robert Jordan or Brandon Sanderson? I haven’t read any of their stuff, but it’s well acclaimed. And Sanderson is apparently a fast writer, so he doesn’t keep his fans waiting decades for each sequel.

    I read one of Sanderson's. It was kind of silly, I didn't enjoy it.

    I think I'm going back to crime and suspense novels. There they at least have to wrap the story up or audiences won't put up with it.

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

    I’ve heard Joe Abercrombie is good if you’re into the dark and gritty fantasy like Mark Lawrence and GRRM write. I picked up the first book in his trilogy but haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.

    A few years ago I read Throne of Bones, which was very good. In some ways I even preferred it to ASoIaF. But it’s fairly lengthy and I don’t think it has any sequels yet. Or at least didn’t when I read it.

    I have tried several times to read The Blade Itself and couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll try it on audio book. 

    I'm not sure I'll be able to finish Asimov's Foundation series. I've really tried. I do love his short story anthology, Robot Dreams. They are really thought-provoking stories.

  16. I finally fished R. Scott Bakker's Second Apocalypse series. I can remember telling Colonel years ago that he had to pick it up because it had great depictions of battles. It did have those in the first trilogy, but the second trilogy was absolute misery and torture. I think I'm done with fantasy novels, personally. Other than Mark Lawrence, I haven't enjoyed really anything I've read in fantasy since GRRM's first books and those have soured. So now I'm down to Tolkien. No one has improved on him in 70 years.

    • Sad 1
  17. 10 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

    @Celan @TheCzarsHussar

    I liked everything in this. The worm riding sequence is amazing. Villeneuve is for sure one of the best directors in the world right now when it comes to epic cinematography.


    Wow, that gave me chills and movies do that so rarely anymore. Awesome!!! My birthday is February 23rd but David and I are celebrating it the weekend this comes out and I can't wait.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

    I don’t know who Erik Kaim is, but it sounds like he’s right about this one. Lots of trash coming out lately. XD 

    At least with a series like True Detective, a bad season doesn’t do any damage to the rest of the show. 

    He usually reviews games. I don't always agree with him but he seems to be an honest reviewer at least, because a lot of critics heaped praise on this turd.

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