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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Something really interesting that I read on the thing balrog linked. The spear she uses in the trailer might be this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gáe_Bulg Who was given to Cú Chulainn by the warrior woman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scáthach
  2. Can we all join together and pray, that phantom range is a thing of the past?
  3. @BigBossBalrog Her armor reminds me of a more royal esque Sunset Set.
  4. Y'all arguing over who gets to be Author, meanwhile I'm already thinking about how to make Brave Sir Robin in the character creator
  5. I'm literally talking about something with a bunch of edges sticking out and shit.
  6. Also can't wait to see the fashion souls! Please for the love of god lets have more badass cuirasses that aren't edgy or segmented weirdly!
  7. Shit sold out literally an hour after the reveal for Atlanta. No way in hell.
  8. Im seeing so much scrappy phone recorded live footage of Demons and Wizards touring. My favorite band which is having a tour in Atlanta and the day it was announced sold out only in Atlanta. Twenty fucking years since their first album and first (and only) US tour and I cant see it. Fuck me.
  9. Y all better not leave my ass outta this. Ill be buying for PC.
  10. Nah no Flood in the trailer. It reminded me of trying to survive against the Flood in CE.
  11. The one and only time I ever got to play that I was stuck with Marine and wiped the fucking floor against the Alien and Predator.
  12. Know everyone's talking about Doom but something about the Halo trailer actually makes me think back when we first discovered the Flood. How scary that shit was to a really young me. Trying to fight my way out and getting lost. Running low on shotgun ammo and with low health.
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