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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Considering what you've admitted the things you'd want your dick in Colonel, we already know it's bloodborne for you. Fucking furry, slimmy weirdo
  2. For the first time Siegward died against Yhorm. Man got corner fucked the instant the battle happened, by the time I grabbed Stormruler he was dead.
  3. @ColonelKillaBee Not that there is any lore implications but Catacombs of Carthus is aesthetically similar to Ailing Loran. From architecture, desert cultural stuff, geography and whatnot. We know what inspired this part of 3.
  4. Me and Centurion naturally talk shit to each other. I mean nothing by it, he might though rip
  5. I bow know its something on my end. My claymore doesn't hit invaders hitboxes anymore but ny other weapons do. Weird.
  6. I'm happy and sad at thr same time. Found my first cheater. Perfect connection but after kicking rhe invader's ass suddenly he has no hitbox. I went to the boss arena, fuck that shit.
  7. I am salty. Stood ar Farron with cracked finger on, full activity according to bonfire and not once have I been invaded. INVADE ME! D:
  8. Infinite loading screen. Let's hope my character isn't corrupted Should I wait it out of Alt-f4?
  9. @BigBossBalrog @ColonelKillaBee Lemme tell y'all about my first time getting invaded in Ds3pc. Balrog knows half the story already Balrog is in Undead Settlement with me as a white dropping shit he doesn't need or use for me to sell. Of course someone invades me and being the honorable man I am, and totally not just to see if Balrog would make the cut, let him fight the invader. Less then a minute and Balrog is down. Rest in peace buddy To his credit he was overleveled and had barely any health. Afterwards I fight this guy and he gets the upper hand on me, basically Blue tearstone ring saved my ass with 1hp left. I get SALTY as fuck and chug on the invader's ass. He chugs to full health. Then I get full tryhard and whoop his ass so hard I think I surprised him with how fast I turned that shit around. Put his ass on the defensive and setup parry his claymore, finishing him off. Man won the duel, but lost the invasion.
  10. My ass doesn't feel like restarting all over again for the third time. Any of y'all PC Ds3 players help mule my boi up I'd appreciate it.
  11. Empty classroom. Sara was sick, teacher on her break. Just here by myself enjoying the New Vegas soundtrack. Fun times
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