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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. I mean if there was ever a time to duel me fairly it'd be now. I haven't played ds3 pvp since December, I haven't even played Cinders mod that much lately. My last bootup of Ds3 according to Steam was March 17th.
  2. Lol hard to be angry about it when I've self admitted to being below average at Bloodborne pvp. But nobody here can say they've even beat me once at Ds3 pvp, except I haven't fought you or Witch. Tried asking Witch to duel before but I think he was busy. We're outside Webdiplomacy so I'm leaving the smacktalk there.
  3. Breh, trying to get the hang of Bannerlords combat is harder then anything Fromsoft could ever dream of. Mix my mouse no longer having good movement with the ai endless spam and lack of autoblock makes this frustrating. I'll get the hang of it eventually but my mouse pooping out on me makes countering the endless spam difficult.
  4. Third Age Divide and Conquer? Shit I need to download that too at some point, who are you playing as? I'm taking three guesses. Kings Men, Gondor, or some random fucking Orc faction?
  5. @Centurion BRUH, Mount and Blade Bannerlord is finally out. I can't tell you how fast I snatched that game up. Plus it's currently on a pretty big discount of 40$ instead of 60$ until the 13th.
  6. Been pretty eventful. Made some new characters on DsR for Ps4. Boi Wellington and Dex Flexton are my favorites but I also made a serious strength build Equinox Knight. Dex Flexton is the first time I'm using a dedicated dex build on Ds1, got that 62 poise and fast roll up to 6 pounds. Boi Wellington is a rude ass twink build that hunts the undead burg with eyes of death.
  7. Heads up, been away from the PC all day but the next turn is up on Webdiplomacy.
  8. If Im wrong then it changed from the beta. Were you using a keyboard and mouse or controller?
  9. It's only limited by controller or mouse. As in if you use a Mouse and Keyboard then you can only play against other Mouse and Keyboard players, to actually play across platform you have to use a controller.
  10. The Modern Warfare reboot was actually really fun to play. I played the hell out of the beta but financial issues unexpectedly stopped me from buying it. I don't own Deep Rock Galactic, but I'll look up gameplay in the future. Bloodborne sounds like a blast, so does Reach. But I'm in the process of a Legendary campaign in Reach.
  11. Ayy, have fun man! Also don't shout the other snowboarders off the mountain.
  12. I'm bored out of my mind, is anyone up for either some participation in a RP post or maybe something to play?
  13. I uh, ended up shaving my mustache for the first time in recorded history to try and get it to grow out thicker... I do not look right without facial hair.
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