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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. I've been sleeping rather well actually thanks! Although my sleeping schedule is all out of wack.
  2. Oh, excuse me, you're among the masses of casuals who gave up on Sekiro. Better?
  3. I told him to eat my ass because he died many times against Manus and considers him one of the hardest bosses, whom I stomped on. My ass is still waiting.
  4. Considering most players are around level 60 by the time Aldrich is killed, I'm taking a guess and saying you were in your 60's. Same as me when I beat her with my trusty Halberd.
  5. I trash talked Balrog for struggling with Manus well after his first playthough, so he got salty and brought up my original playthrough where I struggled with Ludwig. Which is worse then, struggling with a boss after you beat them before or struggling with a boss the first time you fight it. Lol I'm having fun listening to music and trash talking here. The only times I'm actually made is when I'm struggling with a boss and whining about it here, y'all have no idea how much I play around with trash talking otherwise.
  6. You beat the dancer at SL30 first playthrough of Ds3? I highly doubt that. But if we're comparing Dancers, I also beat her first try on my original playthrough.
  7. I don't feel bad about Bloodborne, last two times you dueled me was with the aid of mobs anyways. Which once again was on my dex build. But alas still doesn't change the fact you lied for so long about Sekiro.
  8. I'd have liked to see you take on the dancer at level thirty on your first playthrough of Ds3, I doubt any of you could do that. That's what you fellows were pushing for on Bloodborne, I wasn't good enough at the time but nah you never let me hear the end of it until I did.
  9. That's what happens when y'all whine about me having to fight a boss I'm underleveled and underskilled for at the time. What an excuse. Doesn't change the fact instead of manning up and admitting you didn't like the game you lied about beating it, I'm of the mind that it was too hard for you.
  10. The more you brag about lying on Sekiro, the worse you look You've got nothing on me there. You only proved yourself too unskilled to beat a Fromsoft game, and the more's the pity I thought you were actually skilled. You tricked me into thinking you were good.
  11. Balrog's too pussy to fight anyone. I summoned for Ludwig. And Colonel lied about beating a Fromsoft game. My we are a lot of sinners.
  12. I'd never have thought the high and mighty Killabee would lie about beating a Fromsoft game, who's the real loser here?
  13. Oh. You've joined back in the shit talking? Kinda hard to even take you seriously with your history of pvp....or lack thereof.
  14. Actually I'd consider Ds2 the hardest of the series. It's the one I've died most in to pve. But that can often be chocked down to choppiness.
  15. Aye but I've never boasted about my pvp skills in that game, aside from defending my word and wanting to at least duel you with my strength build, I've always been humble and considered myself average at beast. But I do think I'm pretty good pve side.
  16. You may speak of such marks of shame when the day comes that you can beat me but once in a Souls game, or better yet why don't you beat Demon Souls, Ds2 and Remastered?
  17. Ya know I might be salty if it wasn't for the fact I beat pretty well any Soulsborne boss first try, and never with co-op now adays. Bicker all ye like, for thou knowst mine power grew and grew. Til nothing under the pve son can challenge me evermore.
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