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Everything posted by BTC

  1. Of the many things wrong with the last episode, chief among them was that it should’ve been Davos in the Arya role of character who is witnessing the death of the civilians firsthand. You know, the guy who is from King’s Landing and was a member of the smallfolk for most of his life. The one who is shown to be compassionate and caring. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed that they’re retreating from ice in her veins assassin Arya, but they can show that differently than how they did. Davos would’ve been a lichee better character to have in her role in the episode.
  2. My hope is that whatever the Thrones guys are doing for Star Wars is an adaptation of something that already exists. That or the Disney people keep their leash short. They were fine, even good, at adapting the books in the first couple seasons, so hopefully if someone else created the story and they're just adapting it, they'll do ok. At this point it's pretty clear they aren't going to stick the landing. I just hope the characters I like, Davos and the Starks and Brienne, get good endings. Or at least aren't idiots this final episode.
  3. Say what you want about The Last Jedi, but it and Johnson’s other movies make pretty clear he probably wouldn’t be friends with people who said “Themes are for eighth grade book reports.” In fact Johnson very much said surprise and subversion of expectations was not his aim, unlike the Thrones guys. Here’s an interview with Johnson and he basically calls what happened in GoT by saying subverting expectations leads to “contrived places.” I would still say he did subvert expectations but it seems like to me the motive behind it, drama creation versus simple shock and surprise, is an important distinction.
  4. Tbh Doc I just don't see it. Creating both a believable and interesting story and character arc that results in a city burning down? I'd like to see you pull that off
  5. It's funny that seeing such poor writing just reinforces my interest in the roleplay. It's reassuring to know that even if what I write doesn't end up as good as I hoped, it will never be as bad as GoT
  6. Both sets of leaks were right about tonight. But they differ about what's going to happen next week.
  7. FYI for those who looked at that spoiler post it’s been updated as apparently there was another leak that has a different ending for the show than the one that was there the other day. I like this one better though it still isn’t good.
  8. I think that’ll come from the endings for specific characters and how precisely he writes what we’ve seen happen on the show. Because so much of this is wrapped up in stupid ball plot armor bullshit it’s hard to even see it beyond the big picture.
  9. If this is the ending to the books I fully believe GRRM will earn it but honestly the writers of the show are too lazy and bad and they haven’t earned any of this.
  10. Honestly I'm done discussing it because it's just not worth my time. The last two seasons have been a shitshow, and it was bad to tolerable for a couple before that based on what y'all have said. I'm just looking forward to reading the folks that'll be able to dig through the wreckage and figure out what GRRM has planned for the end
  11. I'm done discussing it here Doc. So if whoever else wants to just discuss it in pms going forward that would be best. So no more leaked spoilers from here on out
  12. Specifically, I think two things could be false. Discussion of spoilers to follow
  13. This reddit like has a summation of the spoilers, some of which I hadn't seen. I'd take some of them with a grain of salt because they're leaks and who knows
  14. Yeah I looked at the spoilers before this last episode. I would be wary though. I've seen two different sets of them that are similar but the interpretation of some things was stupider in one than the other. The less stupid set seems more likely to happen. At least I hope it's what ends up happening
  15. Also thinking back on it the ballista bolts destroying those ships like they did was stupid. No way they would do enough damage to sink ships and blow them apart. The showrunners are idiots or just don't give a fuck
  16. Oh, well then yeah I agree. Tyrion straight up asking her was way too on the nose. They could’ve just had her get upset about another question, a more innocuous one, and have Jaimie follow to console.
  17. The Jaimie and Brienne stuff wasn’t surprising or poorly written, I didn’t think. That’s been telegraphed for a long time and is the closest thing this show has to a consistent arc at this point. She’s never shown any interest in Tormund so blowing him off isn’t surprising. Though I do doubt she would become all ready after a couple days with Jaimie. That doesn’t seem her style. I imagine Jaimie and Brienne getting together is something from the books as well
  18. I hope we get the last two books of this series. If for no other reason than to read good writing in this world again
  19. After sleeping on it, more people should’ve died. And the White Walkers should’ve faded into the fray and faced off against some of the bigger characters. Even if it wasn’t tactically a good decision when you have this climactic battle the enemy should be more than faceless zombies.
  20. This is a spoiler thread y’all gonna have to deal with it especially as regards the animal characters
  21. That feels like a very GRRM move. Make the prophecies bullshit even as the gods and magic are very real. Or he may have something entirely different in mind. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if the resolution to the Night King was the most divergent part of the show and books
  22. What does this mean about the Azor Ahai prophecy? Is Arya the princess who was promised? Or was it just bullshit?
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