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Abyssal Cephaliarch
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Everything posted by BigBossBalrog

  1. And yeah, I hope they explain the lore situation, but thankfully all the episodes have released, so we don't have to wait.
  2. I was going to say, for better or worst, I think they nailed the zanny fusion of 60's era B Movie, with cheesy Max Max Apocalypse the Bethesda games so love perfectly, with a flavor of western. Not my favorite version of Fallout by far, but I still enjoy it At least it seems more Fallout 3 then Fallout 4.
  3. Real fun start. Me and Doc spent the last two hours laughing our asses off I have complaints (quite a few) about the writing, but it's quite entertaining, if very campy. Production is through the charts, so just from a visual perspective it's a treat, and it has a great score. I say's it's worth a watch so far.
  4. As soon as I heard Lucys Dad was a scientist I was half expecting to see Liam Nesson pop up
  5. Ten minutes in. (First episode is one hour and fifteen minutes). I can't stress how fucking amazing the production is. It looks like a movie. Reminds me of the first time I watched GOT. I can't imagine how much Amazon spent on this
  6. First episode of Fallout is coming out today. Got pretty glowing reviews.
  7. People should have been wary about them when they did a QA on 8chan. (A banned website known for hosting child porn). And these people are claiming to be rehabilitating Tomb Raider?!
  8. Funny thing is her "peers" are a professional thief (Garette) and someone who has a really questionable obsession with schoolgirls (pedo Jones) who even have less morals then the already ruthless Laura. Why would any of these people care about this?
  9. My condolences @The Good Doctor I don't think TR's new IP holders are going to treat it any better then square
  10. "Turn back. You can't hurt the headless." We could probably spend hours just trying to find the creepiest one to be honest. The art team at FROM is gloriously fucked in the head Great nightmare fuel material. The Irythill Dungeon in general, but those guys are just icing on the cake. You know they knew they struck gold when they programmed that infamous jumpscare with them
  11. Likely the creepiest design they've ever done
  12. This pisses me off so much; like come on it's his final movie Maybe George can swoop in like he did for Kurosawa. You'd think someone as a acclaimed as Coppola could get studios lining up.
  13. I had the glasses so it looked like a black hole eating the sky. Our universe is weird.
  14. I'd rather fight Prime Godrick and just have it as a skinny old dude screaming at you
  15. Ya'll just remember how much more hardcore Ringed City and Old Hunters was in relation to the base game's difficulty
  16. I have long since accepted FROMsoft doesn't give a fuck about player feedback; they do what they want (again for better or for worst, but I think mostly better). Some other dev would get mad at videos like that, but I can see Devil Lord Miyazak taking sustenance off their tears Cartmen style. It's why they have never stopped making poison swamps.
  17. My rule is as long as you beat them fair on the first try, it's all good on subsquent playthroughs to do as much bullshit as you want
  18. I mean, I've beaten rot-queen with just a greatsword But yeah, a specific build makes her alot easier
  19. I think the fact she goes against the design is what makes her so unique If I wanted to fight another boss like Artorias, I'd do that. But Malenia, for better or worse, is uniquely unfair. And since she's the optional superboss, in the optional secret area, I do not mind.
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