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Abyssal Cephaliarch
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Everything posted by BigBossBalrog

  1. I think the fact she goes against the design is what makes her so unique If I wanted to fight another boss like Artorias, I'd do that. But Malenia, for better or worse, is uniquely unfair. And since she's the optional superboss, in the optional secret area, I do not mind.
  2. This actually looks like it'd be great to play with my sister; she likes Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. Good way to introduce LOTR to her too
  3. There's about 11 hours (if you take the extended versions and deleted scenes) of Hobbit footage someone could use, so it doesn't surprise me that there's a good movie (single ) movie buried underneath all the stupid stuff. Thanks I'll check it out!
  4. Oh and Weta's directly making it, which is really cool!
  5. *You will steal from farmer maggot's crops* *You will steal the mayor's daughter and move to Bree to start a life running away* *You will go to the firework's festival and meet FUCKING GANDALF* *You will be invited to the Bag End after befriending the crazy old Baggins your elders tell you to stay away from* *You will spend your entire life cultivating a crop of old tobby, and then have it burn away when Wargs attack your fields* Not going to lie, a LOTR/Hobbit themed farming sim sounds pretty cozy
  6. Hell yes. I hope this is thirty percent as fucked up as Threads https://deadline.com/2024/04/nuclear-war-movie-denis-villeneuve-legendary-dune-part-two-bestselling-book-1235876114/
  7. That's how I used to get some of my Samurai movies But I dont think those are banned.
  8. Come on! In what other game can you invite an NPC to the safe zone who then begins to murder sympathetic characters one by one with hand-holding
  9. That's actually fucking crazy Our Dark Lord, Trudeau oh so likes to brag about his greenness. If you don't mind paying shipping, I believe Amazon has the option to buy from a foreign store, and then pay extra to have them shipped to your country regardless.
  10. You know Josh is an OG souls fan when he's making obscure references to Demon's Souls
  11. You can order them off Amazon At least off the Amazon Canada store. https://www.amazon.ca/Commercial-Replacement-Incandescent-Outdoor-Vintage/dp/B07CXHKY3B/ref=asc_df_B07CXHKY3B/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292957141869&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2215251912935410856&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000982&hvtargid=pla-449724240630&psc=1&mcid=9aa51a7ede54342db819f17a62fa383e
  12. "On my visit, there was no sign or mention of Ninja Theory's flamboyant founder and Hellblade writer-director Tameem Antoniades. An Xbox spokesperson later confirmed to Polygon that he is no longer with the studio." https://www.polygon.com/24120021/hellblade-2-senuas-saga-preview-ninja-theory-unreal-engine-5 The Self Insert, "Old Dante is Brokeback Dante" DMC: Devil May Cry director is finally fucking gone Hope he never comes back.
  13. If I'm devoured by everyone's dark sign freaking out, pray for me https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-eclipse-2024-1.7161200
  14. And of course, whether these journalistic attacks are being done - for a difficult game, some fan-servicey design, or something else stupid - it's an Asian developer. White people
  15. Funny thing is I'm seeing alot of really mean-spirited comments about how the artist who designed the MC had never seen a real woman in their life...but the main artist is a woman
  16. It's Sekiro with robots, huge boobs and ass. The art style isn't really appealing to me, but I find the journalist backlash pretty fucking hilarious
  17. Oh and Arthmoor (Unofficial Skyrim Patch) continues to be a scumb bag. He took down his Morthal "expansion" mod, and put it on creations. All it does is add two new buildings and two "new" npcs (who reuse lines), and he's charging four dollars for it.
  18. Was looking at the newest batches of the new "creation mods", and this one actually looks pretty sick. https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/5476/Echoes_of_the_Vale Echoes of the Vale. It's a pretty large expansion: it apparently turns the Vale from Dawnguard into an actual area, filled with a new interconnected exterior, a dozen or so dungeons with sidequests and set pieces, new lore, and a bunch of unique pieces of gear to discover, all made to resemble and fit seamlessly into the vanilla game. This is stuff I can get behind. Seems like one of the few things worth the eight bucks.
  19. I'd rather have a ton of bad publicity then no publicity at all People talked about Starfield for a month and then it like disappeared. Vanished.
  20. Which is shocking cause I remember even Fallout 4 and 76 dominating game discussions for awhile
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