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Abyssal Cephaliarch
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Everything posted by BigBossBalrog

  1. It's different . The Romans set up Forts at the borders of the empire as a kind of command center, with the eventual full conquest of the territory. Or they set up forts in puppet states/satrpies to watch their puppets carefully, and exert Roman dominance/power on them until it was time to send in the Legios. I don't recall reading about the Romans having areas they weren't planning on fully taking over? I don't think the US has any plans to fully take over the regions they set up their military bases like South Korea. Or do they...?
  2. When you say it that way...huh I do see the similarities. The Blades and the Pentius Oculatus remind me of the CIA.
  3. To play devil's adovate, Roman Imperialism is quite a bit different then American Imperialism. Americans like to maintain military bases, exert influence from the shadows, and wage proxy wars without fully occupying foreign territory. BTW Disney is too chicken to do this. LOL, not going to happen. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/frozen-director-elsa-girlfriend_us_5a9388c5e4b01e9e56bd1ead
  4. Why dont they just have a separate league for transgender people? I don't think it's quite fair.
  5. But yeah, lol, you guys don't know Games Workshop. Their evil incarnate. Beth is pretty good all things considered when there's companies like that and EA.
  6. Dishonored 2 and Evil Within 2 really suffered especially. Sucks cause their great sequels... But they have an eye for talent unmatched. They consistently shit out great products, even if they don't sell well....
  7. I actually think he has a crush on you. Who dosen't though
  8. And at least Beth still is a great fucking publisher. They produce high quality games. Konami? Fucking slot machines
  9. Dude... don't compare this to what Beth is doing. you were here when I showed the Gambling Machines off? This isn't news to me. Metal Gear has been treated like shit ever since Konami locked Kojima in a room, and said he wasn't allowed to receive his award at the Game Awards.
  10. Oh man Star Wars jumped the shark in today's episode. It's gone full Extended Universe now Pretty crazy though @ColonelKillaBee you should like something though.
  11. There's four episodes left in the entire series. An...old friend is returning today.
  12. Is everyone catched up on Rebels? The last episode was a kick to the balls...
  13. Actually trying messaging them on Facebook with details. Someone I know had a problem with the same problem you have and they disabled it for them https://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSupport/
  14. Hmmm that fucking sucks. Did you try using support tickets? Honestly I would just pirate the game. You already payed for it, wouldn't be stealing.
  15. I've never had problems with any of their games. And they have such a fricken diversity of games and titles. They aren't afraid to take risks and make something new, which alot of publishers seem to lack these days. Generally speaking their recent games have been of very high quality.
  16. This is how I view things. Chaotic Evil: Konami Lawful Evil: EA Neutral Evil: Paradox Chaotic Neutral: Bethesda True Neutral: Capcom Lawful Neutral: Creative Assembly Chaotic Good: Fromsoft Neutral Good: CD Red Lawful Good: Ubisoft
  17. Turning beloved game franchises into gambling machines is far worse let me tell you...
  18. LOL I see Joe say he's a big MGS fan, but the guys only played Revengence and Phantom Pain. And it's Konami just being Konami. Nothing new. They make EA look like Saints.
  19. Hey don't try to deflect this on me weeb! I'm actually Half Asian
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