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Abyssal Cephaliarch
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Everything posted by BigBossBalrog

  1. No! That's Keith Szarabajka. He voices Erandaur as well! Jeff repised his role for Jiub in Dawnguard though.
  2. Jeff Baker. He's pretty great (He voice Dagoth Ur in Morrowind too) I still can't believe Beth replaced him in Oblviion for that awful voice. I don't like the Dumner voices in Skyrim too. Prefer it when they sound like they have throat cancer.
  3. Sean Bean and Liam Nesson are the best performances they've mustered, but Beth in general needs to work on getting better VA's.
  4. *Sigh* We had a single mass shooting last year, it was done against a Mosque by a violent Trump/Alt right supporter. Still pales in comparison to the amount of Mass shootings you guys have. Canada is not communist. You can argue our current government is somewhat authoritarian right now, but our economy is still not under government control, and people don't get payed the same. Two anti communist things. There's countless other examples. Unless you think having some socialist ideas automatically make you communist? In that case it's just your ignorance speaking on our country.
  5. Ocelot is the mastermind behind the entire series. There's two chessmasters fighting each other in the series, both of them are Ocelot. And yeah, he used to be a total loser. Until he met BB.
  6. Hasn't Trump always been Anti Gun? And now he's suddenly pro...dishonest politicans
  7. I remember reading some articles complaining. I believe Polygon even docked an entire point because there we're only white guys in a game based on Polish Mythology But yeah, I guess I overstated. Witcher 3 didn't get nearly as much backlash from the media as Kingdom Come.
  8. Right, because Constantinople was a crazy melting pot of various cultures. But the game is set in rural Bohemia. Which to this day...is still basically all white people. Some reviewers are even refusing to review it Seems pretty silly to me.
  9. Kingdom Come is under a huge amount of fire. I've seen so many hit pieces on it (Glad it isn't effecting sales) Just seems people are angry there's no black people in Medieval Bohemia https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA763CA763&ei=muKaWrWkNvGatgXKuKzACA&q=kingdom+come+deliverance+racism&oq=kingdom+come+deliverance+racism&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.683.1502.0.1706. And of course, the only Minority representation are the Cumans, (who are mercenaries and should be cold blooded money grubbing assholes cause their mercs), who are described as diabolical hordes from the east (Which they are.) And the only main character that's gay is an evil lord that tortures people. The fact that the gay people are all hidden speaks to their intelligence, because being openly gay in this time peroid means their smart, as if they got found out, they'll probably be stoned to death. Seems like it's going to be a repeat of Witcher 3.
  10. I kinda like that though. The Brutes are quite similar to humans but their the ones so deadset on killing them
  11. According to Fraknie most of the hunters sided with the elites. But the devs in 3 we're worried people would be confused, so in 3 there fighting with the elites offscreen.
  12. The best was when the fucking Hunters showed up, and I was like "Oh shit" but then an Elite say's they've come to help fight the prophets, and then they proceed to run in and utterly destroy everything.
  13. This. I'm sorry to say it. I love the Flood by itself, but the missions there in are usually the worst in the game...except in 3.
  14. Ewwww. Fucking Kaathe and his evil cousins... That was an awesome mission. Actually one of my favorite in Halo. All the way from the start we're you help the assualted base, to the boarding. Felt like I was in an episode of Battle Star Galatica.
  15. I was honestly expecting rant videos. A little disappointed to see boring gameplay cuts
  16. Damn you sure like your mandos In my opinion, the only good things to come out of that dumb planet are Jango, Boba, the Clones, Deathwatch, and Revan's warmask.
  17. Level Scaling is the real reason. It was god awful in Oblivion with super soldier bandits. Thankfully they fixed it in Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I still use mods to turn it off Such a dumb feature...
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