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Abyssal Cephaliarch
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Everything posted by BigBossBalrog

  1. It had some good pieces. Overall a little too synthia for me tastes though
  2. *Balrog dies* How...dare...you...insult...Jack's...artstyle...fanboy...power...running...out....eaghhhh...*plops over*
  3. I once got really hungry after watching Anakin eat those bugs, so there's that
  4. Now your just being petty, there's nothing wrong with this
  5. Or even they wanted to give it to Ashoka, they could have done the horror arc with her discovering the Sith Temple underneath Corusant .
  6. Did you actually And that's not even an argument considering the fact Lucas was the brain behind it.
  7. Should at least watch the Mandalore/Maul arc. It's pretty standalone, and its the one everyone likes.
  8. Filoni was actually being failfuil to ROTJ with that The reason why Vader was so cool and detached even with little snips there was because it was Filoni's opinion even she wouldn't be able to bring any light out of Vader (Cause Anakin was so deadset on killing everyone who knew him as a good person before) It was Dave's opinion only Luke was able to do that.
  9. Well there arcs were basically finished in there respected series, so I don't see them appearing in any major capacity, maybe as one shot characters.
  10. You should finally watch Clone Wars now that Mando season 2 is seemingly going to be tied to it alot.
  11. Bo Katan (The last user of the darksaber) and one of the main Mandalorian characters from Clone Wars/Rebels is going to be in Mandalorian played by her original voice actress! (Starbuck from Battle Star) https://www.slashfilm.com/the-mandalorian-season-2-bo-katan/ You can tell it's a Dave Filoni production
  12. I have lost a little interest because of the stalling for the Great War Hopefully we get there soon.
  13. It's super ironic despite how wise he is, he dosen't notice the sap in his fucking helmet
  14. That's cause your eyes have been filled with bad insight from over detailed 4k monitors and shit
  15. Not going to lie. If PS5 can nativley support 60 FPS on Bloodborne, i'm getting a PS5.
  16. This is everywhere so I don't know if it's a spoiler. It's confirmation a certain character from the OT is going to be in Mando Season 2
  17. Bonjour, we doe noet speaak America here inneu Canahhhhadahh, I owly speeeak FQRENCH here, oui?
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