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The Good Doctor

Woodland Man
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Everything posted by The Good Doctor

  1. It’s fine. The fundamentals of his position don’t require that he’s seen the show.
  2. I’m aware. It’s why Fallout sucks now and why I’m pissed. And they could absolutely make money off Fallout without destroying or disrespecting all the stuff they didn’t make. New Vegas is proof of that.
  3. To be frank, I don’t give a damn about those fans, I care about the series. It matters to me.
  4. Yeah, which in fairness is something I criticize the games for as well.
  5. That’s different. Resident Evil games don’t recognize the show’s continuity. The world ending in the third movie doesn’t affect anything that matters to me. If the Fallout show was the same way, I wouldn’t mind it at all. It’d just be another mediocre video game show of many. But now, half the series (the good half) has basically been deleted.
  6. Honestly, I could forgive a lot of shit if not for what was done to the NCR. Three games of worldbuilding just undone off-screen for the sake of the show’s shitty random Vault-Tec plot.
  7. Fallout 1, 2, and NV related, yes. Especially NV and especially especially Lonesome Road. I expected bad. I just did not expect it to be bad in a way that so thoroughly destroys everything. Me neither. But I wouldn’t take some random tweet from Emil very seriously even if I did. I’m more concerned with what’s actually in the games/show.
  8. Maxson being a synth isn’t implied in anything, so you’re good. But yeah, like I said, how much one likes or hates this show is very likely to be directly proportional to how much you care about Fallout. But personally, I hate that the Fallout show is made to please people who don’t care about Fallout entirely expense of everything people who do were invested in.
  9. The Witcher show was explicitly its own continuity. The Fallout show is confirmed by the devs to be the same one as the games. Fallout 5 and onward will recognize its events as canon. Way I see it, the show can be fun if you don’t care much about the setting, but it absolutely shits all over basically everything not made by Bethesda. I care a lot, so by the end I fucking hated it.
  10. New fans have been the bane of this series. Let’s be real. None will play 1 or 2 and I doubt many will get into NV either. The show isn’t made for those audiences.
  11. We’ll do it another time. I’ve vented to everyone else at this point but I definitely need to do it with you.
  12. My Nate is a war criminal. In my old headcanon, he’s the one holding the gun. How dare Emil switch him to being the one who just stands and watches like a coward! But I prefer it to be because I played him that way rather than it being a preset backstory. Though yeah, since Fallout 4 saddles us with a preset backstory anyway, I suppose just adding "war criminal" to the list wouldn’t really change much in principle besides making him a little more interesting.
  13. Agreed. Why force us to play as a lawyer or a soldier when neither thing is remotely relevant to the game anyway? After playing Pillars, I think every serious RPG should adopt something similar to that game’s system. Let us choose our background and occupation.
  14. Nah, it works fine as far as I know. But it would’ve felt real gimmicky and key-jangly. The bigger problem for me would’ve been that making Nate not just a soldier, but a confirmed war criminal would’ve been a frustrating choice in an RPG where you’re supposed to build your own character. Granted, Fallout 4 has that problem anyway. But it would’ve just been one more log on the burn pile.
  15. Also don’t think Emil is being sarcastic. He’s not Pete Hines. Far as I can remember, he’s always seemed like a fairly wholesome and likable dude, just really bad at writing and thinks he’s much smarter than he is. Much as I hate it, the TV show seems to be getting a positive reception from the disgusting masses, so I reckon he truly means what he says about there being "great vibes" at Bethesda right now.
  16. That’s funny. Not sure if you remember as it’s been years, but we used to meme that Nate was the shooter. It’s very forced and fan servicey and makes it kinda weird how little ruthlessness we are actually allowed to display in the base game itself. But it is pretty funny.
  17. Closest I’ve come to "tipping" a developer is probably supporting the kickstarter for Pillars of Eternity. I’m a little more charitable to devs who I’ve found to be especially dependable. That said, hearing this from the former head of Blizzard is pretty amusing.
  18. I halfway wonder if Maximus isn’t just uniquely weird as hell. He did kinda feel like the "school shooter" of this particular BoS chapter.
  19. I know tribals have lost lots of prewar knowledge, but I think they know what sex is.
  20. I don’t know if I buy that this would be a Maxson thing. His people were a bit cultish in following him, but they were still mostly clued into reality.
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