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The Good Doctor

Woodland Man
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Everything posted by The Good Doctor

  1. I saw that. Rare time I disagree with a Drinker take, though not the only. He’s definitely a "fun > quality" guy, which I can relate to when it’s not a setting I particularly care about and want better from.
  2. I hadn’t thought about the consequences this show would have on the Followers of the Apocalypse. They were primarily based out of L.A. and it’s where their university was headquartered. That’s sad.
  3. That’s still how I use them. Which is why I’d give it a 3/10.
  4. "Those old 52 scoring reviews are simply no longer relevant" Yeah, this is why I don’t trust game journals. If anything, 52 is a very charitable score for Fallout 76. A bigger player count doesn’t make the game any better.
  5. If I disliked him, it would be because he’s an insane Communist. But I don’t dislike him.
  6. No wonder Jimmy Carrey left retirement for it. It’s what he spends his time doing anyway; may as well get paid for it.
  7. Huh. I wonder if the production is just a lot of fun or something.
  8. So Keanu Reeves and freaking Idris Elba are two of the top billed roles in Sonic the Hedgehog. What a weird world. It’s like Sonic and Cyberpunk 2077 have the same casting agents.
  9. Him struggling to pull the trigger on that shotgun in his mouth with zero context given was one of the funnier comedic gags of the season.
  10. Amazon’s the kind of company that might just eat the losses just to avoid looking like they failed.
  11. Kinda like how Amazon dropped a billion dollars on Rings of Power with plans to make five seasons before they ever knew how well or poorly it would do. Bet they’re regretting that.
  12. They announced season 2 immediately after 1 came out. They probably were approved for at least two seasons from the start.
  13. Poor Norm spent the entire season being the only man of reason in a vault full of morons.
  14. Characters I genuinely liked: 1) Cooper 2) Lucy 3) Moldaver 4) Cyclops Overseer 5) Norm Barely characters, but I enjoyed them: -Random Veteran Ranger -Organ Harvesting Mr. Handy -Discount Dogmeat -Chet… kind of. He’s a little funny. That’s about it. I didn’t like anyone in the BoS or the vaults besides those I named. And particularly disliked Maximus, Hank (Lucy’s dad), the Enclave scientist, Mr. House, and all of the evil Vault-Tec/Corpo people.
  15. Art style looks great. I’ve heard Ori had really good gameplay, so this might be worth a look.
  16. @Celan Don’t think I mentioned it when we talked, but after Cooper in the #1 slot, I think Moldaver is handily my favorite character alongside Lucy.
  17. Agreed, that’s why I think the show presenting us with a world that looks like the entire NCR has been dead for 60 years bugs me. It takes five episodes for there to even be an indication that the NCR ever existed in this setting, and the first people to even recognize them are a weird cult who could be generations removed for now different and weird they act. I’d be a lot happier if the show was populated with battered NCR trying to hold together and pick up the pieces, rather than generic "wacky wasteland" Mad Max barbarians.
  18. That’s a TES thing. No Fallout game has ever been reset. 1 > 2 > NV is basically an unbroken chain where each game builds off the last, and 4 directly carries on with the good ending from 3.
  19. Oh definitely, but that scene didn’t work for me. Felt like watching Al Qaeda televise a sincere and emotional 9/11 memorial. Less hyperbolically, it reminds me of Disney trotting out old Star Wars characters to score nostalgia points, years after they already butchered and killed off said characters. Too little too late; we already know they don’t respect them, so it just comes across as hollow pandering. I don’t follow. The Great War is the backdrop that creates the Fallout setting. Narratively, it’s more comparable to Lorkhan losing his heart in Convention than the Red Year destroying Morrowind. Big established factions don’t get deleted right and left in Fallout just because it happened to the prewar world. It was as unprecedented here as it would be in TES. TES actually did this concept right by having the collapse of Morrowind occur as a result of the previous stories rather than in spite of them, while Skyrim and the novels thoroughly explored the fallout () this event would realistically on Morrowind’s people and culture. It was a major progression of their story and lore, not just a handwavey regression where we’re just told "fuck those elves, they’re gone now, moving on". I think @Centurion’s loading screen is the closest equivalent. "Fuck those Nords/NCR, they’re gone now, moving on".
  20. That’s what I figure. For what it’s worth, I hope you enjoy watching it. But if you don’t, I’ll make you a nice pretty name tag if you want to join my support group.
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