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The Good Doctor

Woodland Man
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Everything posted by The Good Doctor

  1. No surprise there. It was well marketed and the people against it were so insufferable that it drove more to buy it out of spite. Like the eye candy equivalent of Hogwarts Legacy.
  2. Weird. Seemed like these devs knew their audience, but guess not. Unless this is some Sony meddling. Wouldn't surprise me.
  3. I have a feeling that some Amazon Prime shot callers felt the same way. They don’t usually release an entire season at the same time anymore unless they don’t have high hopes for it. When they expect one to do really well, they like to space the episodes out and use it to generate buzz for months instead of days. I think the level of success caught them by surprise.
  4. Cynically, this feels like the modding equivalent of planned obsolescence, except it’s the devs who planned to make mods obsolete instead of the creators. -Wait almost a decade for most modders to move on and stop supporting their mods -Release a super-late patch that breaks most modded saves -Advertise shiny new "paid mods" that were added by your patch -Keep profiting off a game whose sells dried up years ago.
  5. Only Bethesda could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by capitalizing on a successful TV show by breaking the very game it owes its success to.
  6. "Breaks modded saves" Called it. @ColonelKillaBee Told you this would happen. Granted, hard to act like it’s an impressive prediction when this is like the tenth time Bethesda has broken modded saves.
  7. Skyrim is a juggernaut. It’ll probably have a solid player count even when TES VI is out.
  8. @TheCzarsHussar Did you know the Barnaky ending almost got its own game? The war between the BoS and MLA was going to be the starting premise of Fallout Tactics 2, before the main threat would’ve been revealed.
  9. With how many great games are out there, I wouldn’t reccomend giving it the time, but let me know if you do. I’ll reinstall long enough to give y’all some cool shit that’s not easily available anymore.
  10. Because I didn’t want to suffer play alone. And for what it’s worth, it would have been fun to play it with you. Friends can make even the shittiest games enjoyable. But it is definitely a shitty game.
  11. Far as the show goes, you’re getting close to where I really turned on it. I think it was episode 5 or 6? Though on a rewatch, I honestly found a lot more reasons to dislike it from the start. Too many contrivances and characters who are just too stupid to believably exist. That’s aside from any of my nerdy worldbuilding, thematic, and retcon complaints.
  12. Bought this from a coworker today. Single action and, weirdly, single shot. The cylinder is for show. 60 years old and it is still in good condition and shoots great. Total novelty but I don’t care. Guy I bought it from is very old and traded some beers for it back in when he was working barges in the early 70s.
  13. Not available on Xbox and doesn’t really look like something I’d be into. But I reckon buying the OG Tomb Raider trilogy sent a similar message. Its very existence triggered the current IP holders.
  14. Two-handers in general. I’ve seen lots of people equipping their pawns with hammers.
  15. @BigBossBalrog DD2 vocations I tried Trickster but it is a weird vocation. 0% offense (literally no attacks) and 100% support for your pawns. As solid as their AI is compared to companions in most games, I don’t think it’s good enough to justify an entire class being completely reliant on it. I’m still leveling Thief, but am eager to move on from it. It’s too good and basically trivializes the game. Feels like the most OP class by far. Next will be Warrior, basically the @ColonelKillaBee class in any given Fromsoft game. From the footage I’ve seen, it looks like it requires more skill to play, and won’t just auto win everything for me like Thief does, so I’m eager to give it a go. Hopefully by the time it’s leveled, I’ll have found wherever Magic Archer is hiding.
  16. But I agree, the Ghoul is badass. He’s my favorite character by a pretty significant margin.
  17. Oh, from like a year ago! I was like "when the hell did I post a video about FEV?!"
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