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Demon of Knowledge
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Everything posted by ColonelKillaBee

  1. I have sunken to new lows and am a big fan of Diablo immortal, but I can at least say I’ve never played FF, F76, or NMS lol
  2. It’s not so bad guys. There’s a place for you in this world. Now for the big one. Final Fantasy.
  3. I didn’t even know the second part of new dune was out x3 if it’s in theaters here I’ll go
  4. Best thing for me is they regularly introduce all kinds of game modes and quests constantly which I’m surprised since Diablo 4 is out but then, I heard that was ten times worse than immortal for grind and money sink. So they must be settling on this for now. Blood Knight is one of the coolest class concepts ever
  5. It’s very grindy lmao. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone except people who have a bullshit job xD or people ok with grinding. Tbh I’m really good at that, thanks to oblivion lol but it does help that the main story is good and is pretty lengthy.
  6. Im talking it has dungeons and raids, can do the story with others if you like, full rpg capabilty basically. It was described as "diablo lite" to me from old fans but where i stand there's more to do than on eso lol. No microtransactions needed, but then i have all night to grind so lol yall probs would hate it lol
  7. That was funny back then but now with the job I have, I play on my phone all the time lol and its an actual full ass game on my phone lol, and i can play it on the pc. Is actually pretty sick xD
  8. She told me she did it herself, and I believed her. Its deceptive and embarrassing
  9. Yea basically just happens to be my type 😬otherwise it’s French quizine for me boys 🫡
  10. That’s fair. I got lucky with shadowhearts but probably would feel the same otherwise. For me there are “main” romances, side romances and then if you didn’t like those…. halsin lol
  11. I’m having that problem lol, my main character is cool basic hero but the dark urge barbarian with wild magic trait and dark skinned half elf is a wit more fun ngl lol
  12. He thinks he can hide behind that accent and hood production edit: good production even
  13. Smh What have we wrought Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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