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Demon of Knowledge
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Everything posted by ColonelKillaBee

  1. Dino Crisis 2 lookin damn good huh @The Good Doctor Is what it would look like if BioWare made it
  2. I think this is why I feel like the rest of it was as well, it majorly dampened that plot for me and made the whole movie feel like a schoolyard scrap, especially the airport
  3. No I got ninjad, like when samurai run past eachother and see who got cut lol and I lost
  4. Yea it was fucking terrible. As was him playing Fortnite on top of it lol product placement at its worst
  5. Drama for Dramas sake to make characters react stupidly always bothers me. But I get it.
  6. I googled, and still barely remember this guy. I’ve seen it twice too, which is crazy looks like you lol
  7. Hulk getting bitched out made thanos that much more terrifying tho xD I’ll allow it Tho maybe not for the whole movie lol
  8. That’s a good ending yea. And we never get fat Thor. The end
  9. I think they had Tony playing out of character is all, and the drama was just kinda like some shit you’d see in south park wrestlemania. He killed my father!! I’m the smartest man in the world and will invent time travel but I can’t understand how kind control works! He killed my father B!
  10. As far as I’m concerned, Thanos won lol nothing else matters after that. Though, they should’ve had Thor kill him with Stormbringer.
  11. I was streaming for a lady friend while doing some invasions and lol she was like, “I blink and it’s over” The blender faith build with Ordovis Vortex is so strong in any iteration. Mine is built for trading blows so I can get my ash of war full charge out but even if I dont it still hits like a truck i think the see my shield out and think oh this guy sucks lemme just use my katana bleed bullshit on em And boom they’re dead that’s it, it’s over. Im at soul level 155 too so I get strong opponents but it don’t matter lol the L2 is too stronk
  12. Oh and Black Panther was the shit only because it gave us Killmonger edit Civil war was ass which is sad cause it had the best T’challa
  13. I forgot there was even a second one since the winter soldier dude was way cooler. Iron Man 1 was the shit but I enjoyed them all. Would only rewatch one though. Plus I hated the commercial for 2 lol. “You complete me!” *hops off roof* me: barf Thor movies are a guilty pleasure of mine and suck but Ragnarok was awesome. Endgame was the shit. Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 I enjoyed, haven’t seen 3. But one was a blast
  14. Oh and there was no suss hobbits hopping in the bed or shirtless almost naked froddo
  15. I’m an ass man lol and it never stopped our other Scandinavian friend from being wrong lol I never read the books so I don’t care about that the movie was dope, it has crixus the undefeated motherfucking Gaul as the white Orc lol and Thorin is the man. Smaug is awesome as well. And @BigBossBalrog I loved the extended cut especially for thorins badass racist cousin lmfao and the elves vs dwarves. You all can lick me lol
  16. They have way cooler concepts tho and FromSoft has overall way less generic boss designs. Point is that’s not why you like the specific titles respectively by bethesda but they still do well alsi in those categories in their own right
  17. I dislike this topic and cringe every time it’s like talking about the difference in graphics between fallout new Vegas and metro. Or something it’s besides the point of why I like the two games. And disingenuous when discussing the flaws. For instance this, balrog you know damn well bethesda has cooler specters than that. A better comparison is like, Karstaag.
  18. What they doin going there with a summon anyways lol serves em right
  19. Totally missed the dragonkin soldier boss and that lightning ice spell is so op for pve
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