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Demon of Knowledge
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Everything posted by ColonelKillaBee

  1. No argument there. Naruto’s the only show I preferred subbed.
  2. Not that anime is usually known for great lines or anything. Which is why even when I did watch I only watched one or two at a time.
  3. Ok lol cause I was about to shit aaall over that manga page, lol.
  4. It was split like that because the site kept breaking lol. We should be fine here
  5. https://dovahsaurusbrasiliensis.tumblr.com/post/170502527956/some-say-that-the-legion-has-no-right-to-tell-the That's his response... Like.... there's so much wrong with this I'm not even gonna bother. Someone else jumped in for me anyway so they can continue in my stead. I don't have the patience for this sort of slug match anymore. I mean, what the fuck does this even mean anyway. Me: “To all the opinion based stuff, Cyrodiil was only prosperous because of the pact with Akatosh. Everyone needed the Empire back then at the risk of daedric incursion.“ Him: a pact with akatosh does not necessarily means coherent laws that work properly. Stop distorting everything. ???
  6. I’m gonna guess no lol. Scandinavians are too busy practicing soccer by kicking boulders and steel ingots.
  7. Love Star Wars and me sum Danny but it’s not gonna be opening night for me
  8. Wow that’s... Well, glad I didn’t bother watching the Super Bowl. I hate the eagles and patriots both anyway.
  9. Tom Cruise... still hasn’t died yet I see. Pity. Whats this about Justin Timberlake?
  10. It’s on league with Rogue One for me. Personally I wasn’t all that excited to see that either.
  11. ? I don’t even know what that means, you mean the pop up thing and the red number? Anyway I think I’ve added the options to change that yourself so check in your notifications and let me know. For Celan she was only getting notifications for replies to posts, not PMs.
  12. Of course, but this kids not gonna acknowledge that lol. He’s just gonna ignore it, hold his nose up and say that at least they don’t let counts and such kill each other (that I know of). At the racism thing and ethnocentrism, indeed. Nevermind that one of the greatest forms of racism in my mind is literally there in their namesake. Its not worth bothering. I only responded to that particular post because he tried calling me out and involving someone else.
  13. Btw, are non admin members seeing notifications when you receive PMs?
  14. He’ll probably say it’s different because of it being a legionnaire rather than with say, a count or something. I do remember it saying the killing of an Imperial count or leader of some kind is illegal, possibly Imperial vassals too. Even though it of course is the same basic idea and principal and shows they’re not exactly strangers to ideas he claims are barbaric.
  15. Rofl I send a selfie every time someone claims I'm racist. It's just funny seeing them step around that. Only one time can I remember a dude claiming I hate my own race. Long time ago on tumblr, I think he had an elmo picture or something.
  16. Probably is, all I know about him though is he's from Brazil. The most ironic thing about him though is watching him talk about racism and hearing him call Stormcloaks faggots on one of his vids, or when he gets mad.
  17. I think the only thing that triggers him is someone suggesting he isn't the greatest intellectual of all time. This whole thing started apparently because someone linked my "Stormcloak Bible" to one of his videos on youtube's comment section. Been on my ass ever since.
  18. Indeed, that's why I didn't bother arguing with him on that point. Aside from saying his views are ethnocentric. But he can't sit there and argue it's legitimacy by Nord law because in Skyrim it's perfectly legal. And that's the main problem with his argument, he goes on to state that it's not the best way to do things, then quotes Tullius of all people, which I'm not sure if he's talking about the actual Tullius or the guy playing Tullius, then makes up shit about the history of the moot, all factually incorrect.
  19. Decided to humor Dovahsaurus and address one of his word walls. He doesn’t know a damn thing about Nord lore. http://colonelkillabee.tumblr.com/post/170498168780/some-say-that-the-legion-has-no-right-to-tell-the
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