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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Ill give it one last chance to redeem itself, but as it stands I hate Long War 1 for XCOM Enemy Within. Its funny because I adore Long War 2 for the sequal.
  2. @BigBossBalrog It finally did it. Long War 2 had a mission I couldn't beat but all things considered survived it very well with no casualties for my squad. Went like this. The alien regime discovered and did an all out attack on a resistance haven in Ireland. I freak out and abort a mission with my best squad so I can save my loyal and most useless rebels. Deploy my badass squad at full strength of eight (my sniper was sadly wounded prior) plus one decent sniper from another squad. My objectives were to keep the extraction point secured and rescue the survivors. Simple enough right? Seemed that way at first. Within the span of eleven turns things went to absolute hell. First two or three turns was spent mopping up ADVENT forces as they landed around me. Then they started fucking teleporting scary ass aliens around the map. My stomach dropped seeing chryssalids and beserkers for the first time in Long War 2. I put all my effort into wiping these out in the first turn they spawned, because I knew the two (one) shot potential they have. Eventually I had like four chryssalids, four ADVENT shitfucks, another beserker and a MEC right on my ads in all directions. So I could either risk my luck and maybe only lose like four or five of my best soldiers and maaaayyybe survive that attack or retreat my entire unit in one turn. In the end only my SPARK and "main character" were lightly wounded.
  3. Welcome back again me boi. Took a while for me to realize that was a target and not someone standing there
  4. Gotta admit, of all the Dark Souls 2 bosses, Burnt Ivory King makes the coolest entrance.
  5. Nick: Buys me Skyrim SE Me: Downloads bunch of mods at his place before leaving back home. Also me: Forgets a single wire at his house so I cant play pc. Am I a joke to you?
  6. Damn Long War 2 (Xcom 2 overhaul mod, super popular) is brutal. Second mission, first one I got to choose almost ended in disaster. I infiltrated a supply place and had four Xcom recruits. After trial and error (and plenty of saves) I changed my strategy and went aggressive. Ended up working. One man was bleeding out and had to be carried to extraction zone and another was slightly wounded but I made it out with two supply caches out of four with one turn to spare before alien reinforcements arrived.
  7. @ColonelKillaBee @The Good Doctor Meet my latest bloodborne character, Angry Abe. (Albeit he looks kinda like Ahab.)
  8. @BigBossBalrog @ColonelKillaBee I've made a new ds2 character and for over three fucking hours I've tried farming the Old Knight Greatsword, three fucking hours. I still haven't gotten the fucking thing, I'm level 51 and haven't killed a single boss. kill meeeeee
  9. Showed my grandmother The Lighthouse trailer, we both agree it's a must see movie. She did look at me funny and asked if they were gay
  10. While it was really neat seeing the barter version for the lore we get on how the legion('s armies) nearly collapsed in rhe conquest of Denver. I much prefer the speech side of that ending, Lanius has zero respect for you in barter version too
  11. Every so often I always revisit the ending of New Vegas where you convince Lanius to retreat. I just love how it was handled in the speech. You actually give realistic and legit points and somehow convinces the hardest ass man around to see your wisdom.
  12. Had german relatives over there, its why my great great grandfather was deployed in the Pacific theater. But nah that's not it.
  13. My dude you took what I said so out of context. I was referring to that one old lady character in one game that looked like a family member and I was super uncomfortable killing her.
  14. ? Oh fuck off I enjoyed the old games I don't care about historical shit in shooters that take place in alternate histories.
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