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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. -2 points Looks like your imperial lover is on imgur too.
  2. Hell some of Alexander's generals are cooler then he is. Ptolemy, asshole he may be, his dynasty outlived all the others. Of course the Seleucids in theory are still cooler Come on, one of the Seleucids favorite imagery was a fucking anchor.
  3. Oh I'm interested all right. (I actually do like 300 by the way, even with its many, many inaccuracies ) Is this show on HBO, Hulu or Netflix?
  4. @ColonelKillaBee @BigBossBalrog The newest version of the emulator is finally well optimized. I get an average of 30 fps throughout the game...had to restart as I lost all my saves though. Only had that tower prison left and then straight to Allant.
  5. I like the lore of Demonbrandt where its supposedly more powerful the less demonic it's owner is. And the more our character levels up, the mote demonic we become so in theory it'd lose it's power over time. Edit: Despite what the crestfallen warrior says about our character becoming more powerful and demonic through gaining souls (and leveling) the sword is effected by character tendency.
  6. @BigBossBalrog Also while I love Old King Doran, he's kinda a mixed bag when you stop to think about it. On one hand he's a fucking badass demi-god who casually brushes aside your attacks (after proving yourself worthy) until he decides he feels like accepting your challenge then precedes to two shot your ass with his (false?) Northern Regalia. But all this begs the question, why doesn't the mythical founder of the kingdom actually go out and punt the demons himself? He's charged himself with protecting the kingdom yet spends all his time in the mausoleum guarding a fucking sword. You have a (lesser) Gwyn like figure who's even more useless then Gwyn.
  7. I may not be as petty as @ColonelKillaBee but I have my moments. They're all dead.
  8. I can tell fromsoft admitted a shortcoming considering they never again made a black (red) phantom npc more frustrating. That one asswipe with the tower shield in 4-1. He's scripted to never allow you to backstab, considering he spins around to face upu faster then any player could. Not to mention his spear somehow breaks armor and shields very easily. I aint mad though, like I said From admitted this mistake and never did it again.
  9. Finding NPC's isn't going to be easy first play through. I might have fucked up Ostrova. After killing penetrator (way after) I backtracked and saved him in 1-2. But I cant save him in 1-3 because the gate is already up. Time to find out if the dev team was smart about this.
  10. @BigBossBalrog Penetrator was the most fun boss I've fought yet. I had an average frame count of about twenty-twenty five frames and my controller's B button likes to stick but neither made this boss annoying for me. Was super satisfying using the Great Sword on him.
  11. Had a massive lag spike on Dragon God and out of nowhere died so I alt-F4'd to avoid that shit.
  12. Lol that being said I beat him. Gave up trying to use the fire resistant shield and went bloodborne on his ass. Only using the shield when needing to back away to heal. Flamelurker was an okay boss. Still hate his clunky AOE though.
  13. @BigBossBalrog My biggest problem with Flamelurker is how clunky the boss design is. For how fast he and his attacks can be, his high poise and addition of AOE attacks the two things that makes this boss fight hard are my slow claymore and the AOE hitting you through rolls. That is annoying to no end.
  14. And you really do need a really powerful pc. I run ds3 and Scholar no problems or frame drops whatsoever. But because this is an emulator its extraordinarily umoptimized.
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