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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Oh come on. I didn't need that description.
  2. Now that would be gay as fuck... If this wasn't Halo Reach. Ill let it slide.
  3. I feel like Hawkeye Gough. Old skill returning to me. Anytime I died I laughed it off and realized what I did wrong. I also no longer go into invasions with the Straight sword as my primary mentality. Unless in a specific environment I will constantly switch up my weapons to keep host and phantoms on their toes. I dont have the internet for super fancy moves but suddenly I feel myself getting better again. I can only take so much of the same old trolling before it gets old. I only show honor to hosts I invade who let me slaughter incoming blues now, but I feel no more desire to cause salt. I think Im getting rid of the point down emote from mu hotbar. Im still an evil cunt of an invader though.
  4. I've also totally shifted away from even liking Fighter PL's content. I absolutely love DS youtubers like Saint_riot above and Project Goof. They're vastly better players then me and they don't have to rely on cheap trolling to be enjoyable, both just have very cleaver commentary and videos.
  5. You know what, this guy is actually inspiring. I think I'm finally done being tryhard salty bitch. Hosts alt f4 against me, hosts gank me, better players beat me. Really it isn't worth being angry about, and I ain't helping things be being a grumbling invader either... not that I ever publicly complain outside here I love invading and always will. I've stagnated and lost a good chunk of my old skill in Ds3 pvp and you know what, good. It's been teaching me to just be chill with things, something I've been leading up to recently in Dark Souls anyhow. This video just pushed me to really think about it. Give it a watch yall.
  6. Lol I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not. They were pretty decent deals all things considered.
  7. Did you never get those subway commercials years ago for the five dollar foot long meals?
  8. Wow, it's been a very long time since I heard that one. Good choice. Honestly though, it's actually hard for me to really pick. With the exception of two songs, everything on Houses of the Holy could be my favorite. Song Remains the same beings back memories of being freezing cold in winter with a blanket wrapped around me and playing Skyrim on my old pc.
  9. Do yall have a favorite Led Zeppelin song? Mine is No Quarter.
  10. @ColonelKillaBee Absolute filth. No quarter for the thots, throw'em into the ocean.
  11. Isn't Matt in an highly skilled, elite division? Lol, Zodiac ain't fit for that anywhere yet. Take a look at his CS if you don't believe me.
  12. I still am a bit behind on the Fallout rp, just a few posts, but because it looks like both my boys are going to be anti Brotherhood. So I got approval and went to work on a new character as a brotherhood grunt. I don't know how to introduce him though, if any of y'all are planning to include background brotherhood in a post, I'd be much obliged if y'all have any good ideas or posts including background Brotherhood soldiers. CS has been up in the resource page.
  13. Lol my old best friend used to be big in the dirt bike scene. I also enjoyed it a little but only in my back yard in those days.
  14. Oh god he does other ones too. Theres a certain part of this that nearly made me cry I laughed so hard.
  15. Its beyons hilarious when you find a comment of the "lyrics".
  16. Of all the memes surrounding New Vegas, this just has to be my favorite.
  17. Seriously though that shit was lit. They went fucking ham on that man ans it wasnt enough. I loved how it wasnt that he was untouchable, the outlaws(?) just couldn't land a fatal blow to the neck or armpits. Despite gettinf reaaal close several times.
  18. This channel has always had good and historical fight cinematography. Looks like they've also finally released their short film. Good shit all, give it a watch.
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