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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Jesus I hope that second picture isn't supposed to be Atreides unfiorm. Give me the well tailored old uniform any day!
  2. Compare it to what I personally call Billy the Kid syndrome. In the 1973 movie Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, which is still my all time favorite western movie :D, the actor who played Billy the Kid was way too old for the part. Kris Kristofferson, Nick calls him Forehead, however played the part extremely well. He was charismatic, dangerous and smooth as fuck. Billy the 'Kid' is on the left. Plus it also has the single best Pat Garrett you could ask for, absolutely nobody can ever top James Coburn. Now compared to a movie Nick showed me called Young Guns, it had a faithfully aged Billy the Kid but that movie was beyond forgettable for me. That actor didn't hold a candle to Forehead.
  3. After having read everything I think Balrog missed the point for a long time. The old Paul's only problem was his age, he started out as what you'd expect for a Duke's son. He wasn't the strongest but had the will to be, in fact the old movie masterfully portrayed the strength of his willpower and intelligence which shaped him into this godlike savior of the Fremen. Old Paul didn't need to look like the sickliest, wimpiest emo on the drama club. When I see new Paul dressed up in House Atreides military uniform, it'll be a complete joke.
  4. Dont you be comparing them Bretons to that thing. Fucking mudcrabs got stronger chins then he does.
  5. The old one's name became a killing word. The new one's name became a gay booty call.
  6. He looked like a bitch sure, but an 80's bitch. When I look at the old one, my first thought isn't "Faggot"
  7. If they're trying to be woke, why aren't they just splurging arabs and berbers then? Personally the one thing I will never get over is the choice for Paul. The new guy looks like a fucking twig dweeb. They got themselves Paul Muadweeb
  8. I don't want to be blinded by nostalgia but theres no way in hell the upcoming Dune remake will top the original. It'll have flashy CGI and perhaps badass battles, but for the same reason a remake of the og star wars films wouldn't work, same deal with this.
  9. I'm not defending his old cut voice, this doesn't feel that fitting
  10. Also, didn't he have this really deep demonic voice that was cut from Morrowind?
  11. Ya see? Vivec don't need no titty plate. That's the only part of his design I didn't care for.
  12. Any youtube videos of that? I wasn't the biggest fan of his appearance in ESO, no explanation or deep seated reason, just didn't. His outfit was meh
  13. Damn, I have a troll 99 Int build that does insane damage but casts slower then your granny. I really need the Sage Ring +2 but that requires Ng+2
  14. Yo @BigBossBalrog @ColonelKillaBee, what's your respective highest new game +'s? This isn't a dick measuring contest, I'm asking due to an item.
  15. Please tell me they're wearing glass armor? Pleaaase tell me they have a unique set of glass
  16. I think Balrog has earned a treat for such good behavior, have the Justiciar bring in the sweeties.
  17. Lol its really just an inside joke between me and Doc, it had no meaning
  18. It makes sense why the dragonguard armor looks more Imperial. In Oblivion, the Blades armor was a mixup between Akaviri and (roman) Imperial.
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