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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Just go to the topics for example The Humping Horker and select Follow. Then in the popup select Change how the notification is sent and just enable notifications for most things.
  2. And it works, had to go into notification settings and turn on all the options.
  3. I might have fixed the problem, can someone comment without quoting?
  4. I am but that doesn't help, Im guessing you aren't having this issue?
  5. Never got the notification, sorry for the late reply.
  6. I can't seem to get notifications, I've selected 'Notify me of replies' and to follow the pages but I only get notifications for quotes and PMs.
  7. Oh of course it's morally wrong, he's a kind warrior priest. Wouldn't stop my character's hand, even historically (Romans too >:O) the priestly and wise men weren't always spared, that's a romantic thing. Also he is a warrior, a Knight-Paladin to be exact. Priestly warrior but still a warrior.
  8. The character I'm playing now that would have Shouted Gelebor into hell is meant to be an oldschool Nord, men come first. It's the Arena, all men in Sovngarde would sing of the Dragonborn's deed of destroying an old enemy. Do you think Ysgramor or any of the old 1st Era Nords would take pity and spare Gelebor? I don't.
  9. Damn right he would, let the last of the old Falmer feel the weight of all Atmora crushing down atop him. If I had any say in things after Gelebor bestows Auriel's Bow my character would Shout him into hell.
  10. It's better then Horse Armor Nah I actually do like Dawnguard, it's just not the best for roleplaying any kind of Nord character. It really does have it's great moments too. I've never actually played the Vampire side of the story, I finally was able to enjoy and use the Werewolf stuff for the Companions line instead of instantly working to cure the character. Maybe at some playthough in the future I'll try out their pov.
  11. Recently replaying Dawnguard made me realize something, you are forced to be very kind and respectful towards that Knight-Paladin or whatever the hell his name was Snow Elf. If I'd have my way, my Nord character would piss in his face while recounting Songs of the Return.
  12. Ah-ha! I was right it absolutely is him, https://dovahkiinhu3br.deviantart.com/art/RTSB-Bonus-Replying-the-Author-s-Critiques-1-666751358
  13. His argument on Stormcloak kit and why the Imperial's shitty leather is better is hilarious.
  14. I went around seeing if anyone was talking shit about the Stormcloak Bible but lacked the spine to confront Colonel about it. I think this guy is dovahsaurusbrasiliensis. https://dovahkiinhu3br.deviantart.com/art/Refuting-the-Stormcloak-Bible-Complete-666752045
  15. Sweet baby Jhunal! It's actually Jhunal! Someone drew up some Roscrean concept art and it's cool as hell. I had nothing to do with it but I'll be dammed that those look like Druids. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/53Yd1
  16. We have left our well meaning but faltering brethren in Skaal Village, we are free here in Thirsk!
  17. All jokes aside, you're the best. Killabee should be canonized as a Hero of Skyrim.
  18. The spoiler tags had been messed up, but still somewhat work.
  19. Also I sent Doc a PM and was going to for the others but my inbox is full after one, not complaining just alerting everyone in case it's a bug.
  20. Oh god Herma-Mora is messing with the UI! I kinda liked the old TESA (At least old by my accounting) UI.
  21. Huzzah I have joined the cult of the Woodland Man it seems.
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