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Posts posted by BTC

  1. Of the many things wrong with the last episode, chief among them was that it should’ve been Davos in the Arya role of character who is witnessing the death of the civilians firsthand. You know, the guy who is from King’s Landing and was a member of the smallfolk for most of his life. The one who is shown to be compassionate and caring. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed that they’re retreating from ice in her veins assassin Arya, but they can show that differently than how they did. Davos would’ve been a lichee better character to have in her role in the episode. 

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  2. My hope is that whatever the Thrones guys are doing for Star Wars is an adaptation of something that already exists. That or the Disney people keep their leash short. They were fine, even good, at adapting the books in the first couple seasons, so hopefully if someone else created the story and they're just adapting it, they'll do ok.

    At this point it's pretty clear they aren't going to stick the landing. I just hope the characters I like, Davos and the Starks and Brienne, get good endings. Or at least aren't idiots this final episode. 

  3. Say what you want about The Last Jedi, but it and Johnson’s other movies make pretty clear he probably wouldn’t be friends with people who said “Themes are for eighth grade book reports.”

    In fact Johnson very much said surprise and subversion of expectations was not his aim, unlike the Thrones guys. Here’s an interview with Johnson and he basically calls what happened in GoT by saying subverting expectations leads to “contrived places.” I would still say he did subvert expectations but it seems like to me the motive behind it, drama creation versus simple shock and surprise, is an important distinction.


    Interviewer: Can you talk about subverting fan expectations in this film, and in particular, the decision to kill Snoke?

    Rian: Yeah, I guess the first thing to say is coming into writing this or any story the object is not to subvert expectation, the object is not surprise. I think that would lead to some contrived places. The object is drama. And in this case, the object was figuring out a path for each one of these characters, where we challenge them and thus learn more about each of them by the end of the movie.


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  4. 8 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

    GRRM has said many times that his ending will be bittersweet. I honestly don’t see any way this ending can be spun as remotely bittersweet. It’s bleak and bitter to the core. Unless humanity not getting wiped out is his idea of sweet. 

    I think that’ll come from the endings for specific characters and how precisely he writes what we’ve seen happen on the show. Because so much of this is wrapped up in stupid ball plot armor bullshit it’s hard to even see it beyond the big picture. 

  5. Honestly I'm done discussing it because it's just not worth my time. The last two seasons have been a shitshow, and it was bad to tolerable for a couple before that based on what y'all have said. I'm just looking forward to reading the folks that'll be able to dig through the wreckage and figure out what GRRM has planned for the end

  6. Specifically, I think two things could be false. Discussion of spoilers to follow

    The whole trial of Tyrion thing just seems off to me. More so Jaimie going back to Cersie, since the actor apparently has hated the fact Jaimie went back to Cersei after Tommen died and is very happy with the character's story this season. So it doesn't track that he's happy that Jaimie went back to Cersei. Not to mention we still don't know who kills her so I think it's very possible he does

  7. The Jaimie and Brienne stuff wasn’t surprising or poorly written, I didn’t think. That’s been telegraphed for a long time and is the closest thing this show has to a consistent arc at this point. She’s never shown any interest in Tormund so blowing him off isn’t surprising. Though I do doubt she would become all ready after a couple days with Jaimie. That doesn’t seem her style. I imagine Jaimie and Brienne getting together is something from the books as well

  8. 4 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:


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    I think Bully got along well with her, Baldur just tolerated her more than expected XD He obviously didn't trust her, as an Altmer mage vs Endar, a dunmer mage who he's used to dealing with, and even though his good nature wanted to, his history with the Altmer and his position kept him from doing so. So he's keeping his distance.

    And not to mention his frustration and coming to grips with what she was and could do. A man that's obsessed with control to the point of killing his best friend (cough, anakin, cough) would hate to see something like that. 

    Old Baldur would've been fascinated and want to learn all about it for knowledge sake alone. New Baldur was only concerned with the fact that if she chose to be his enemy and ruin everything he'd planned, he probably couldn't  stop her.

    There was one other similar moment like this in the RP already, and it was when Witch showed him what he could do and what he was. He's still not powerful enough to match witch but he certainly feels more prepared to deal with him should that time ever come than he had before.


    Yeah I didn’t mean to suggest they got along like friends, just better than I expected. I thought it would be a much more vocally antagonistic first meeting but ended up not being too contentious. Bully certainly got along with her, which seemed to diffuse some of Baldur’s own worry. Though you’re right his reflection on his own comparative lack of power certainly wasn’t because he made a new friend. But when she mentioned it I sorta expected him to take her up on the offer to leave and stay elsewhere or under closer watch

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  9. 13 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

    I haven’t reread the post, but now that it’s out of the PMs, I’ll share my thoughts here too.


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    Part that stood out the most to me was Baldur’s reaction at the end. We’ve seen him get shaken before, but usually it’s in incredibly emotional or stressful circumstances. Having him get so thrown off by just witnessing power that wasn’t even aimed at hurting him kinda threw me off too. 


    I imagine it won’t be the last time that happens either, given what the war is likely to bring. But yeah, his reaction was something that stood out to me as well, and was a cool moment that put his own power into perspective with these other powerful individuals.

    Good post, y’all! I was also surprised by how well Illorwe and Baldur got along, and I’m looking forward to more interactions between those two as well as Endar. And Theu too. All these mages around has the Nords feeling jittery but I enjoy it.

    It was good to see Fenrald again too, especially since Baldur is now mentoring him. Something about him feels off, though. Not like mysterious or anything, he just seems like a bad or something. Anyway, it’s good to have him back and I look forward to seeing how his relationship with Baldur develops.

    And how this sunbird killing weapon comes along. I wasn’t quite sure what Endar had in mind but a trip to a Dwemer forge to make an unmaking device is bad ass. Here’s hoping Illorwe’s warning about what Endar could do doesn’t come true. Or if it does, it’s awesome  

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