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Everything posted by Tdroid

  1. He's not, I'm just referencing how I pulled that switch on you back in the day, with Samuel I was surprised I wasn't kicked for subverting all three GMs with that
  2. Thank you! I'm working on some notes for my (... totally not another vampire ... ...) character. Should have a basic outline ready to go soon. He's probably going to start in Kyne's Watch, so if anyone there think they would run into him, feel free to mention it when I've got it posted
  3. Fair point, Samuel was more of a lackey anyway. A very chaotic lackey with a taste for poetic justice, cruel irony and human flesh
  4. How come Samuel isn't on that list of evil people? Sure, he didn't stick around outside of Chapter 2 much, but he was around since the time of Tiber Septim
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