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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Oh and all my DnD buds who watches dune 2021 before today all agree Lady Jessica was crying the whole movie
  2. So, saw Dune part 2 today with some folks from the dnd group. It was.... okay hear me out.... Utterly fucking amazing. I'll have so much to talk about tomorrow, I'm too tired tonight. Definitely liked it many orders of magnitude more than 2021
  3. @BigBossBalrog How'd you fair against the corrupted monk first time around? Took me an hour and thirty minutes last night on my underleved. Ended up fighting her on a second character tonight that was str/faith and only took three tries Hardest part is definitely those Elden Ring ass delayed lingering hitbox melee attacks
  4. Oof yeah they're rough. The annoying tentacle spam is what gets me, they don't do the stupid Neito move that often. I found best way to dispatch them is with a greatsword, weapon art stance always staggers them.
  5. Ooooh wait, are you talking about the Winter Lantern reskin?
  6. Corrupted that is, there's that dude next to the second bonfire
  7. Is this in the mod? I completed all of Cathedral without seeing any
  8. Imagine if Metro took place concurrently with Cyberpunk.
  9. God help you if you bother to fight him in later ng cycles.
  10. A lot of the whining is from the classic gitless gudless. But there is some truly bad balancing. Such as the Carthus warriors able to tank two, two handed ultra greatsword r1s before staggering. Which makes them badass as fuck, but utterly broken with how fast they are. Or how many bosses and enemies have frame zero attacks where you take damage instantly. Like Godskin Nobles blackflame belly but faster and more damage. There's also the matter of extremely low soul gain from enemies and bosses. That said (and not addressing actual bugs like cleric beast reskins range attack being undodgeable), I still adore this mod. Where they've failed in balance, the team has made up for thousandfold with how beautiful the world is.
  11. With all the complaints about Archthrones horrible balancing, it got me thinking. Which enemy in ds3 vanilla do you think is the most annoying to fight? For me it's easily the Lothric Knights with spear and greatshield. They have blatant input reading and will almost always either raise their shield or shield bash you when you try and kick. Plus those lightning fast shield pokes. All other variants are so well balanced but that too
  12. I did go through all of war torn and cathedral first. I just didn't know what the third area was meant to be. I unfortunately just happened to pick the HARDEST. But I finally clapped the one eyed witch cheeks. Took insane parrying, patience and learning literally all of her moves. Which wasn't that terribly hard since it's Gundyr and corrupted monk, two bosses I love fighting
  13. That was a... Fight. Almost said fun one. Took me two tries but had to play as if fighting Rom which sucked the fun out. Hit and run Hit and run Hit and run
  14. So I was getting furiously salty about fighting the corrupted monk reskin but uh, turns out it's the hardest area in the game that I'm tackling a hundred levels underleved with a plus 3
  15. How'd you fair with the Gertrude angelic gank? Took me about four tries due to them teleporting and being glued to each other.
  16. Naw I loved every moment of it. I didn't (want to use my limited fire resources) so phase 2 didn't have terrible lot of damage. But I'm so used to fighting those things from my sl1 run that it was a breeze. Got it second try, Lothric Godfrey is what slapped all my estus away the first try
  17. @BigBossBalrogYooo holy shit the pus of man corrupted lothric knight with Godfrey's movement is insanely fun to fight! Got to phase 2 before running out of resources and homeward boning out. Way more balanced than the bloodborne reskin
  18. It's probably my resolution making his eyes look slit, because they're round pupils in the trailer.
  19. Also interesting to see how different pre-rot Radahn looks from his siblings... before one got eaten and the other was a little too into dolls. Maybe his prolonged conquest of the stars had that effect on him, or mastery of gravity magic? What do yall think? @BigBossBalrog @The Good Doctor @Elden Clown @ColonelKillaBee
  20. Been on a binge watching several of the old trailers and noticed something neat. The Cleanrot Knight shown here doesn't have any of the rot-growths on or within the armor. Their petrification must have eventually came much much later... or when she had her aids explosion
  21. I'd have never thought we'd peak with pirate games at Black Flag. But here we are
  22. Let us know how it is? Still on hotspot and I don't know if I'll have enough data to download it and ds3
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