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Elden Clown

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Everything posted by Elden Clown

  1. SMH @ColonelKillaBeeGet this man his family friendly noise maker™
  2. Sounds really fun but at least for me and no offense to the game a wait for sale just because a few of those weaker points are big things for me. I can't wait to remake Czar in it. We made him in the first game and it was funny as hell.
  3. Hell yeah brother! I'd be playing new vegas a lot myself if it wasn't for no matter what I do it is a crash fest on PC for me. How is DD2? would like to hear a none strangers, non critic opinion. Das an incredibly sexy gun. IIRC it's the rifle variant of my favorite smg the MPX?
  4. Send help lol. How's everyone? Vanished for a bit there. Started modding Skyrim again, 650 mods in and not even three days into it.
  5. Absolutely beautiful photo. Did you take it or happen to know who took it? Would love see what photos they've caught in general. (This is now my PC wallpaper lol)
  6. Looks like it's kind a lot more of a horror vibe than the originals imo. I might really enjoy this one. Teaser looked good, here's to hoping. Thank ye for sharing.
  7. I'm just imaging what the combat would be like towards end game with how they did cyberpunks combat. Just thinking you start at the academy and go up from there or at least that could be one path, still have bounty hunter on another, etc. Buttttt... I'll have to agree If it wasn't for this it'd probably be one hell of a game. But Disney alone stops the M rating most likely, which a T rated CDPR game sounds very not them among whatever else the do and not let them do/force them to do.
  8. I think the biggest thing with Cyberpunk for me is not really CDPR's issue/problem and that is I have a 144hz monitor but only a RTX 3060 so even will DLSS at like medium settings I'll have drops that during things like missions and combat at least an in the open city can be rough feeling. I know more so my fault for getting so used to higher fps but I also fell for the good ol G-Sync, it doesn't work as well as people make it out too. Although the bits I have played especially with good performance are really fun and good. I love driving around night city, it's gorgeous, sometimes I'll turn off dlss and even upscale it a bit just for a cinematic drive. Something about not messing up in the combat and chaining stuff together just feels pretty unique in Cyberpunk imo. All this said I pose the question to really everyone on the forum, how'd ya feel if CDPR announced they were doing a first person star wars game that takes place in the imperial city? Allow them to do it M rated and I think they could do it well.
  9. Couldn't agree more on Obsidian, they are up there for me as well. CDPR while I love the witcher, I still have yet to finish any of the games and I honestly can't say how I feel about Cyberpunk, my feelings for it are convoluted for sure lol. As for Capcom those remasters have been killer! The newer games as well. Though now that you mention them with Dragon's Dogma 2 coming out I plan on going back and playing the first one soon as I never even came close to finishing it. So if you happen to have any tips or things to say about the first game please do.
  10. Small bit I just wanted to add on, Ubisoft was my favorite studio growing up until about the time I meet Czar and we started to play Divinity Original Sin 2 then I fell in love with Larian, Larian is so nice <3
  11. I've still yet to try Mirage but I want to just waiting for a good sale or it to come to gamepass. But yeah, the different studios under Ubisoft being drastically different is a huge thing as well. I directly wanted to work for Ubisoft Montreal mostly, the ones who went on to make Siege one of my favorite games of all time. But they were also the ones who made multiple Far Cry games (including 3), Splinter Cells, Watch Dogs, A few others but most importantly for this convo they were also the ones behind AC:4. So, at least imo one of the core studios for Ubi. I want to have hope for them but especially in the last year or so Ubi Mon has not been doing so hot, worse than years previously.
  12. Not many games do I consider masterpiece's or close to them but for a pirate game Black Flag was def the goat. I'm honestly incredibly disappointed in Skull and Bones. The harpooning section at the twenty second mark just looks painful to experience, like tf is that random RNG with a crosshair? There are parts of the world with missions that require to for example harvest a tree, issue being these islands for quests like that have 1-2 trees you can harvest and they take FOREVER to respawn. The grind is ungodly. Graphically black flag still even looks better imo, just prettier and a much better atmosphere. I don't want to full rant on the forum but man I'll leave it at this, I genuinely wanted to work for Ubisoft one day when I was younger and it brings an actual tear to my eye seeing what they have become now a days.
  13. Me and Dylan getting carried away with stupid AI generation and this one killed us. "YODA PLAYED BY SAMUEL L JACKSON."
  14. Damn, I almost put in for a job at Fort benning the other day too. Also just learned that it's name was changed to Fort Moore, tf.
  15. Genuinely have so many games that I'd keep installed on my PC purely for if the internet goes out that I just don't keep installed because they require online for no damn reason. Red Dead 2 being a big one.
  16. Thanks, never knew I needed nightmare fuel mutant power armor on steroids.
  17. Actually had to look him up, not big on the earlier Fallout knowledge. Seeing that dude got a straight, OH from me. I kind of have a rule that if someone's "hair" (more breathing tubes for him) is part of their armor it's on the same level as an angry grandpa from an anime/dark souls game.
  18. I know this is 4 but still wouldn't stop me from going through Quarry Junction as long as it got me to New Vegas faster.
  19. Ah DS2 we all love you but why did you have to have the shrine of amana. Looking back it though I can really see what he means.
  20. Same here on all endings though I think for my favorite I'd have to choose the age of order ending. Just feels kind of right to me in a way and as stupid as it may sound it brings me memories of Solaire, who is still in my top three video game NPCs.
  21. Let the journey begin again. Grabbed DSR before the sale ended, think ill do a playthrough of each game before the dlc except for Sekiro.
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