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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. @BigBossBalrog Eat my entire ass bruh. Just beat Manus first try after having not fought him in about a year.
  2. I'd think so. Probably wore his 'Kingly' attire in the third book compared to cloaking himself as a black rider.
  3. Book Witch-King also looked far more terrifying. While never properly depicted in media... Shudders he wore no helmet mask thing, instead all anyone could see of his face was two burning eyes aflame and his crown. Badass in theory but never translated well.
  4. Of all Bakshi's failings in the old movie, he did have Frodo outride the Ringwraiths himself. Even managing to resist the Witch King for a moment. That's something I wish we saw more of in the newer films, the Witch King actually using some magics.
  5. What got me interested in the Silmarillion in the first place was actually a metal band called Blind Guardian making an album about it. Nightfall in Middle Earth.
  6. The most drastic use of it would be that in the books the soldiers of Gondor wore mail but the movies had a sort of Milanese plate look going on. Of course it was badass but theres a simple beauty in mail. It can combine with heraldry so much better then plate.
  7. Here it is, Morgoth battling Fingolfin. The size difference and ton of energy put into the movements makes it badass.
  8. In a sort of TES theme I actually like that the far off ancient la could wear more advanced armor. Plus I do love depictions of Morgoth in plate, there was one illustration of him fighting an elf lord (forgot the super important name) and Ithink he's wearing plate there too.
  9. Technicaaaaaaly nobody wore plate Tolkien's books. The best armor was mail. But jokes aside theres been some fantastic art for the dwarves that adhere both to his writing and making them wear very protective and heavy arms.
  10. For Champion Gundyr/Old King of Lothric ost it sounds eerily familiar to both Flamelurker and Old Hero from Demon Souls at times.
  11. Theres a ton of unused osts in Ds3, I've only ever heard the alternate Dragonslayer Armor before now. This is the full playlist.
  12. Ironic because all I can think of now is Koh going face to face with Aang and blurting out "It's threeeee daaaawg"
  13. The ironic part is, I'm pretty sure Erik Todd Dellums, Three Dog VA also voiced Koh the Face Stealer.
  14. Three Dog, That one old man in Megaton who's obsessed about the enclave and several generic npc voice actors.
  15. Wow something very small I noticed over time when watching Avatar videos on youtube. Several Fallout voice actors worked on the show.
  16. You're the one that went along with dropping that character the shit yours didn't need. You still died to that invader whom I killed The only excuse I'd except was you not switching to something other then the Greatsword, but that's your own fault.
  17. Bruh you had late armor and the Greatsword. And I had to password summon you, get that gay shit outta here.
  18. Like that one invader who beat you and then I in turn beat him when we were Co-Oping?
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