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TheCzarsHussar last won the day on February 14

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About TheCzarsHussar

  • Birthday 02/08/1870

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  1. Oh hell super mutants in 3 are fun to fight, it's just their existence on the east coast that's contrived
  2. Honestly if Fallout 3 took place in The Pitt, with the same map size as DC, I'd be so fucking down with that. In an alternate universe, the Capital Wasteland was the dlc, with two competing factions of US army remnants.
  3. Fallout 3 has a very solid foundation. Me and Doc have talked to no ends about how it could be fixed. No brotherhood, no Enclave, much much sooner in the timeline, maybe a decade after the bombs, no super mutants. Fuck, Pitt is strongly on New Vegas levels of quality. Stick everyone involved with that as project leads and you'd have a damn good Fallout 3 that fits perfectly with the old ones.
  4. Isn't that a tribute to Red vs Blue or another of the old-school Halo rooster teeth things?
  5. Watched this since it was in my recommended. One of the most memorable episodes and only had Jack in it for like a minute lmao Never killed a person my ASS
  6. I'm gonna slap what little hair remains off his dumb ass head.
  7. I hope "Filthy Canadian Commie Executer" Sole Survivor shows up in the show to shoot more people in the head
  8. The power at my hands is infinite, the shadowy elites shouldn't have advanced ai because this happens. https://suno.com/song/c7c64ff7-ed73-4a15-bcc1-3a6c1ec47eff
  9. Lmao while catching up, I was thinking about commenting how much better and more respectful DUST was compared to the show. At least DUST is a worst case scenario happening to the Mojave, based on the potential catastrophes from the DLC.
  10. Lmao Welp now the protagonist has even less roleplayability if this is supposed to be canon.
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